9 Reasons Why You Need a Catchy Jingle for Your Business

catchy jingle

When you hear the word “jingle,” a number of promotions, radiospots, and Superbowl commercials probably come to mind. That’s because our memories can’t help but cling onto those catchy tunes. Studies show that in order to process music, we use the same parts of the brain associated with memory and emotion. 

On the fence about creating a catchy jingle for your business?

Here are nine reasons you need to change that tune with a good jingle! With these nine benefits of a business jingle, you can stay in everyone’s minds for a long time with killer brand recognition. 

1. Attention-Grabbing

When we hear a catchy tune, we can’t help but listen. Whether we’re in the car or watching tv, songs attract our attention. A well-written, catchy jingle will grab a consumer’s attention and keep it for the length of the ad. 

Without a jingle, however, people might tune out your advertisement. 

Once your jingle catches everyone’s attention, it will keep them interested. That way, you can convey the benefits of your product or service within the rest of the ad. By sparking interest, jingles can help you make the most of your company’s advertising budget.

Otherwise, you’re missing an opportunity. Adverts or commercials without jingles don’t always manage to stand out from the crowd. In some cases, you’ll fall to grab everyone’s attention.

As a result, people will miss hearing the main message of your ad!

2. Lasting Impressions

Once you grab your audience’s attention with a catchy ad, you want to stick in their minds. That way, they’ll think about your business even after the ad ends. 

Music is a very powerful advertising tool. Without us realizing it, music embeds itself within our subconscious. Even months after hearing a catchy jingle once, we’ll still remember the song. 

Print ads and pay-per-click ads come and go. Sometimes, we forget them in a manner of seconds. By advertising using jingles, however, you can ensure consumers remember your ad much longer. 

An ad that leaves a lasting impression is far more valuable than an ad that gets a single glance. 

If you create a unique, catchy tune, you can stay in people’s minds for a really long time. 

3. Brand Representation

How do you want people to view your business? For example, a dog-walking service would want to represent themselves as fun-loving and trustworthy.

The music you use within your marketing videos and advertising campaigns will represent your brand. That means the music is also representing your business, which can develop into a long-lasting reputation.

By creating a quality, catchy jingle, you can make sure you’re properly representing your brand.

Your jingle will tell customers about your personality. As a result, consumers will begin to get a better idea about your business. A strong, unique brand personality can also help you stand out from competitors.

When developing your jingle, keep your brand in mind.

4. Music & Mood

Putting people in the right mood can spur them to make a change or start shopping. It can also help spark interest in your business. 

If you want customers to feel excited about your product or service, you need the right music. 

Music impacts us in different ways. Hearing the same commercial jingle a second time can cause us to fall into the same mood. 

By adding a jingle to your next ad, you can get customers hyped up about your business. 

5. Brand Association

A catchy jingle can also help people retain information. What people hear from your ad will stick in their memory. The mood and emotions people feel after hearing your ad will become a part of your brand, too. 

Creating a well-thought-out jingle will give consumers an easy, fun way to remember who you are and what you do. 

Using music will help you create an emotional connection with your customers. 

They’ll associate those emotions with your company every time they see your brand. Then, you can depend on the emotions they associate with your company to get repeat business. 

6. A One-Time Cost

While a catchy jingle can help you attract loyal customers, you only have to pay for the jingle once. Many companies refrain from developing jingles because they’re expensive. However, they don’t come with royalties or recurring fees.

That means you can use them as many times as you want for a higher return on your investment!

7. Audio is Effective

Why waste money on marketing and advertising strategies that haven’t worked for you before? Instead, you can learn how to write a jingle that represents your brand and helps you stand out. Adding a jingle to a video that seems plain can give your content the boost it needs.

Instead of wasting money on strategies that aren’t working, you can use audio to make sure your brand is memorable. 

Discover the importance of jingles in your advertising. 

8. Cut Through Noise

Our world is highly saturated. Everywhere we turn, online and in-person, we’re bombarded by visual ads. By now, we know when companies are advertising at us.

A catchy jingle can cut through the noise.

Instead of struggling to stand apart from the competition, a well-written jingle can do it for you. Now that it’s more difficult to grab someone’s attention among the numerous ads we see each day, you need a strategy that will help you compete. 

9. Nostalgic Emotions

According to this study, different types of music can also produce different emotional reactions. 66% of survey participants also said music is more memorable when it’s used within marketing. 

A well-written jingle can manipulate our emotions.

By drawing on familiar experiences and memories, nostalgia helps us look back on better moments. Nostalgia is a powerful marketing tool that can entice people based on previous emotions. 

By transporting your audience to a better time, you can use a catchy jingle to boost sales!

Jingle All the Way: Why Your Business Needs a Catchy Jingle

One catchy jingle could help you attract a stream of new and recurring customers. With these nine benefits in mind, you can start singing a new tune when it comes to adding jingles to your ads. 

Explore our Jingle Production services today to start giving your ads extra power that rivals your competition!

The 9 Most Recognizable Commercial Jingles

Do you feel like your market is having trouble remembering your company’s name? 

Have sales numbers been lagging as of late? 

Are you concerned that your current marketing strategy just isn’t as effective as you’d hoped? 

Maybe the solution isn’t to invest in social media influencers or spend hours writing blog posts that might not even get read. Instead, why not consider writing a catchy jingle for your company?

Jingles appeal to everyone, help people to remember your information, and they don’t have to get updated to get with the times. 

Just think about some of the catchy commercial songs you remember from decades ago!

Read on for a list of the most popular commercial jingles ever, and get some serious inspiration for how to come up with an awesome jingle of your own. 

1. Kars 4 Kids

Interested in donating your car? 

If so, then you already know to call Kars 4 Kids, a nonprofit who helps to fund childhood education using cash from selling used vehicles — even those in rough shape. 

The jingle is incredibly catchy, and it also includes the organization’s phone number and a brief description of the services they offer.

Effective jingles do exactly that — and it helps that the commercial also features children playing the instruments for the jingle themselves. 

2. The Oscar Meyer Song

No list of catchy jingles would be complete without a mention of what is arguably the most famous jingle of all time: 

The Oscar Meyer song.  

The celebrated jingle was written in just an hour in 1962, and spurred many contests, imitations, and of course, sales for the company. 

One of the biggest reasons for its success? 

It was written by experienced jingle composer Richard Trentlage, who also created jingles for V8 and McDonald’s. 

3. Empire Today Carpet

If you need your carpet cleaned, chances are you already know exactly who you’re going to call: 

Empire Today. 

The familiar “800-588” scale jingle gets stuck in your head almost immediately, and the bouncing animations of grey-haired men cleaning the carpet help it to stick around.

Jingles that include contact information are especially beneficial to smaller, niche businesses.

4. Huggies Diapers

With children everywhere desperate to prove to their parents that they’re “big kids now,” it’s no wonder that the Huggies pull-ups diaper’s jingle took off the way it did. 

Plus, combine a catchy tune with adorable videos of babies waddling around, and you’ve got a recipe for instant success. The jingle is still used today, and has helped make Huggies one of the most popular diaper and baby brands of all time. 

5. The Kit Kat Jingle

If you’re in need of a “break,” the Kit Kat’s commercial jingles urge you to find someone who will break you off a piece of their candy. 

The jingle has been a popular hit since 1986, and usually features images of someone snapping off a delicious chunk of a Kit Kat bar. Chances are good that you won’t be able to resist getting a piece of candy after hearing the song.

6. Meow Mix

It’s tough to imagine how a company could make the sounds of cats meowing not only into a jingle, but also into good jingle

The creativity of the “Meow Mix” jingle is what sets it apart from the competition and makes consumers remember it so well. We’re sure that the cute images of cats and kittens certainly don’t hurt, either. 

Interestingly, the company decided to retire the beloved jingle in 1996, but once they realized how much customers missed it, they decided to bring it back to the airwaves in 2012 — much to the satisfaction of cats who “want chicken” everywhere. 

7. Doublemint Gum

Are you ready to double your pleasure and double your fun? 

If so, then you already know that it’s time to reach for a piece of Doublemint gum. This iconic and lively jingle helped to make Wrigley’s an incredible success, and people certainly still sing the jingle today. 

8. Folger’s Coffee

What’s the best part of waking up? 

For coffee lovers everywhere, the famous Folger’s jingle reminded us that it’s “Folgers in your cup.” 

Coupled with a close-up shot of the Folger’s coffee tin and a nice cup of morning joe, this is certainly one of the most well-recognized commercial jingles ever. It’s still used today and has had no problem standing the test of time. 

9. McDonald’s 

Are you “lovin’ it?” 

Thanks to one of the most popular jingles from fast-food giant McDonald’s, the answer is probably “yes.”

Sure, other fast-food chains (think Subway’s “Five Dollar Footlong” jingle) have created some pretty catchy tunes over the years. However, nothing quite comes close to the familiar five-note intro to McDonald’s, “I’m Lovin’ It” jingle. 

The best part of the jingle? 

For many, it’s the little-known fact that Pusha T wrote it.

Ready for Commercial Jingles of Your Own?

While this list of popular commercial jingles has no doubt been a fun trip down memory lane (and has gotten at least one jingle stuck in your head) we hope it’s done more than just that. 

You should stop to consider just how much of a long-term impact jingles can have on a brand, and how they can set you apart from your competitors. 

Are you interested in developing a jingle for your company to run on the radio or online? 

If so, then we want to help you make it happen. 

Reach out to us to learn more about our jingle-writing process, and get ready to have everyone signing your company’s tune. 

The Importance of Jingles

importance of jingles

Have you ever had a song stuck in your head all day? You whistle it out every time you stop at a street light? Well, that’s the power of an effective jingle. We all know some iconic jingles; McDonald’s, State Farm, Subway, Kit Kat, songs that have become ubiquitous with the brands that have used them. I’m sure everyone reading this can whistle “I’m Lovin’ It” off the top of their head. And maybe now you have a craving for a Big Mac. Good jingles can do that for a company. So having a good jingle is a crucial step. Let’s look at the importance of jingles in advertising.

Why you should be utilizing Jingles in your advertising

It leaves a lasting impact

Jingles have the benefit of being memorable and entertaining. They aren’t someones disembodied voice talking to the audience. Music, and by extension jingles, is personal. It invokes emotion and can grab people’s attention. Good jingles are catchy and memorable. They can stay with you for the rest of the day after just one listen. If you fail to capture the audience’s attention, then your advert can fall flat and be unremarkable for the consumer.

Choosing the right song

It’s no secret that music can affect one’s emotions. Picking the right song that conveys the right emotional notes for your brand is crucial. If you find the jingle annoying, you can almost guarantee the mass audience is going to find it annoying as well. The jingle will be associated with your brand. If it makes people feel angry or sad, then those emotions are going to reflect on your brand or product. Picking a happy, easy-going song can help improve your audience’s reaction to your song.

You can also go the route of picking a snippet of a song by a band you like and using that for your campaign. Honda did this a few years ago when they released their latest model of the Civic. Set to Empire of the Sun’s “Walking on a Dream” the commercial was a hit. I would suggest, if you go this route then you should avoid overly popular songs. These songs are played over and over again on the radio and can grate on some listeners. You don’t want to be associated with that fatigue.

Helps with Brand recognition

We all know some iconic jingles: The Old Spice whistle, McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ it”, Rice Krispy’s “Snap, Crackle, Pop,” and we can probably all break off into song on the first note. We associate those jingles with the brands, and even if you don’t eat McDonald’s or use Old Spice, you’ll think of them as soon as you hear the jingle.

If you pick a song, then hopefully every time someone hears that song they’ll think of your brand or your campaign. The song can even come to represent your brand, giving you an iconic sound. Which will be associated with your brand or company for years to come. Every time someone hears that song or the first notes of your jingle, they’ll think of you.


The importance of jingles can not be understated. Jingles are still very relevant in today’s radio advertising world. Having an effective jingle can help increase brand awareness and recognition. Finding the right jungle for you is important, so don’t take the matter lightly. If you get it wrong, then your brand could end up being associated with negative feelings. If you get it right, you could end up with an iconic sound just for you. Using music to express emotion is a powerful tool in a company’s arsenal. If you have any questions about the importance of jingles or want help writing your very own, contact us here!