Boost Your Business with Effective SEO Strategies from Killerspots Agency


In the digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for businesses of all sizes and industries. One of the most crucial aspects of building a successful online presence is search engine optimization (SEO). Effective SEO strategies can dramatically improve your website’s visibility in search engine results, attract more organic traffic, and ultimately, drive growth for your business.

However, the complex, ever-evolving landscape of SEO can be challenging to navigate, requiring both technical expertise and a comprehensive understanding of search engine algorithms and ranking factors.

That’s where Killerspots Agency comes in. As a full-service digital marketing agency, Killerspots specializes in delivering customized, results-driven SEO solutions that cater to the unique needs of your business, addressing critical components such as website structure, content optimization, link building, and more.

By teaming up with Killerspots Agency for your SEO needs, you can rest assured that your brand is on the cutting edge of digital marketing trends and best practices. Ready to propel your brand to the forefront of search engine results, boost your online visibility, and unlock new growth opportunities? Let’s get started!

The Core Components of Effective SEO Strategy

A well-rounded and effective SEO strategy must consider several crucial components to yield the best results for your website. Let’s delve into these essential elements and their role in optimizing your brand’s online presence:

1. Keyword Research and Targeting: Identifying the most relevant and valuable keywords for your business is the foundation of a successful SEO strategy, guiding content creation, on-page optimization, and link building efforts.

2. On-Page Optimization: Ensuring your website’s content, metadata, and HTML tags are fully optimized with the targeted keywords enables search engines to better understand and index your content, leading to higher search rankings.

3. Technical SEO: Addressing your website’s technical aspects – such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and site architecture – is crucial for improving crawlability, indexability, and overall user experience.

4. Off-Page Optimization: Building a strong backlink profile through quality link-building tactics, as well as engaging in social media and content marketing efforts, can enhance your website’s reputation and authority in the eyes of search engines.

Best Practices for Implementing an SEO Strategy

Incorporate these best practices to maximize the effectiveness of your SEO strategy and achieve long-lasting results:

1. Focus on User Intent: Understand and cater to your target audience’s needs and intent when searching for information, products, or services related to your business, and create content that addresses those needs and queries.

2. Create High-Quality, Engaging Content: Produce unique, valuable, and shareable content that naturally incorporates your target keywords, leading to increased user engagement, organic shares, and better search rankings.

3. Optimize for Long-Tail Keywords: Target long-tail keywords (longer, more specific keyword phrases) in your content strategy to capture more qualified search traffic and increase your chances of ranking higher in search results.

4. Stay Informed of Algorithm Updates: Regularly monitor search engine algorithm updates and changes in best practices, and adapt your SEO strategy accordingly to maintain optimum performance and rankings.

How Killerspots Agency Delivers Customized SEO Solutions

By choosing Killerspots Agency for your SEO needs, you gain a partner who is committed to your business’s success and well-versed in the latest trends and techniques in search engine optimization. Here’s how Killerspots Agency can help you excel in SEO:

1. Comprehensive SEO Audits: Our team conducts in-depth audits of your website’s existing SEO status, identifying areas of improvement and formulating a customized action plan to address these issues.

2. Tailored Keyword Research: We work closely with you to determine the most relevant and effective keywords for your business, taking into consideration search volume, competition, and user intent to create a targeted keyword strategy.

3. On-Page and Technical Optimization: Our team ensures your website’s content, metadata, HTML tags, page speed, mobile-friendliness, and site architecture are fully optimized, addressing all aspects critical to SEO success.

4. Strategic Link Building and Content Marketing: We develop and execute off-page optimization strategies that focus on building a strong, high-quality backlink profile, as well as engaging in content marketing efforts to elevate your online reputation and authority.

Measuring the Results of Your SEO Strategy

Regularly tracking and analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) is crucial for determining the effectiveness of your SEO strategy and making data-driven decisions for ongoing optimization. Some essential KPIs to monitor include:

1. Organic Traffic: The number of visitors reaching your website through non-paid search engine results serves as a primary indicator of your SEO success.

2. Keyword Rankings: Monitor the search engine ranking positions for your target keywords, as higher rankings lead to increased visibility, credibility, and search traffic.

3. Conversion Rate: Identify and track the percentage of website visitors who complete your desired conversion action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

4. Bounce Rate: Monitor the percentage of users who leave your website after viewing only one page as a potential indicator of shortcomings in user experience or content relevance.

Final Thoughts

Investing in effective and customized SEO strategies is paramount for businesses seeking to enhance their online visibility, attract more organic traffic, and drive long-lasting growth. By partnering with Killerspots Agency, you gain access to a team of dedicated professionals whose mission is to help you achieve your business goals through tailored SEO solutions.

Ready to propel your brand to the forefront of search engine results and unlock new growth opportunities? Contact the experienced full-service advertising experts at Killerspots Agency at 513-270-2500 or fill out our form to learn how our SEO services, tailor-made for your unique needs, can improve your online presence and drive sustainable success.

Harnessing the Power of Jingles for Small Businesses

woman recording a radio jingle

Small businesses are becoming more competitive than ever, constantly seeking ways to stand out in the crowded marketplace and make a lasting impression on consumers. One powerful tool that can give small businesses an edge is the timeless, engaging commercial jingle.  A well-crafted jingle has the potential to captivate audiences and leave an indelible mark in their minds.

In this blog series, we will demonstrate the power of jingles for small businesses and offer valuable insights on the benefits and practical steps to jingle production. Regardless of your business size or industry, a properly designed jingle can effectively complement your existing marketing strategy and propel your brand to new heights.

The Advantages of Jingles for Small Business Marketing

Effective marketing can make a world of difference for small businesses, and jingles offer numerous benefits that can elevate your brand and drive success. Here are some key advantages of incorporating jingles into your marketing strategy:

1. Enhanced Brand Recognition: A memorable jingle distinguishes your business from the competition and increases brand recognition among your target audience.

2. Emotionally Engaging: Well-crafted jingles evoke emotions, creating an emotional bond with your audience that fosters brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

3. Improved Customer Recall: Catchy jingles stick in the minds of consumers, increasing the likelihood of your brand being remembered when they need your products or services.

4. Achieving Virality: A highly appealing jingle has the potential to go viral through sharing on social media and word-of-mouth marketing, reaching a wide audience and broadening your brand awareness.

Crafting the Perfect Jingle

Creating a jingle that captivates your audience requires thoughtful planning and execution. Here are some essential factors to consider during the jingle production process:

1. Define Your Objective: Be clear about what you want to achieve with your jingle. Whether you’re launching a new product or trying to boost existing sales, understanding your objective will help you craft a targeted message that resonates with your audience.

2. Refine Your Message: Carefully choose the words or phrases that convey your unique value proposition, emphasizing the benefits your business provides. Ensure your message is straightforward and easy to remember.

3. Select the Right Melody: Choose a tune that is catchy and complements the message you want to convey. Consider working with professional musicians or a jingle production agency like KillerSpots Inc. to create a custom melody that aligns with your brand’s identity and values.

4. Align with Your Target Audience: Tailor your jingle to appeal to your target demographic. Consider factors like age, location, and interests to ensure your jingle resonates with the people most likely to become loyal customers.

Tips for Effective Jingle Production on a Budget

Creating a high-quality jingle doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are some proven tips and tactics to produce impactful jingles on a budget:

1. Collaborate with Local Talent: Consider partnering with local musicians, singers, and producers who may be more affordable than established industry professionals.

2. Leverage Stock Music: Browse stock music libraries for affordable melodies that can be customized to fit your jingle concept and message.

3. Outsource Wisely: Explore outsourcing platforms to find cost-effective options for jingle production. Ensure you thoroughly review portfolios and testimonials before selecting a producer to ensure quality results.

4. Use In-Kind Agreements: Offer your products or services in exchange for jingle production services. This bartering method can be mutually beneficial for both your business and the jingle producer, allowing you to save money without compromising quality.

Measuring the Success of Your Jingle

Tracking the performance of your jingle is crucial to know whether it’s helping you achieve your business goals. Here are some metrics and methods for evaluating the effectiveness of your jingle:

1. Brand Awareness: Utilize surveys and polls to gauge brand recognition and recall. Keep an eye on the increase in brand mentions and customer inquiries after launching your jingle campaign.

2. Customer Engagement: Track shares, comments, and views on your jingle’s social media or video posts. Analyze the impact on website traffic and time spent on specific pages related to the jingle.

3. Sales Metrics: Monitor changes in sales performance, comparing sales before and after the jingle’s launch to understand its impact on revenue and growth.

4. Return on Investment (ROI): Calculate the ROI by comparing the costs associated with producing the jingle and its promotional efforts to the revenue generated from its implementation.


Small businesses can harness the power of jingles to create a lasting impression on their target audience, boost brand recognition, and drive success. By understanding the benefits of jingles, mastering the art of crafting memorable tunes, and navigating budget constraints, small businesses have the potential to make an unforgettable mark on their industry. With expert guidance from a well-thought-out jingle production strategy, your business can connect with consumers in a unique and emotionally engaging way. Embrace the power of jingles to elevate your brand and achieve new levels of success in today’s competitive market.

At KillerSpots Inc., a contagiously creative full-service digital marketing agency and production house, we understand the importance of creating captivating jingles and radio commercials that resonate deeply with your target audience. Let us create an unforgettable jingle that can help your business thrive in today’s competitive landscape! Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

8 Alarming Signs That Your Business Needs Expert SEO Solutions


SEO involves enhancing a website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages. It’s an essential aspect of digital marketing and can help businesses increase their online visibility, attract more traffic, and generate leads and sales. However, SEO is not a one-time task or a set-and-forget strategy. It requires ongoing efforts, constant monitoring, and timely adjustments to keep up with the changing search algorithms and user behavior. If you’re struggling to improve your website’s SEO or have noticed a decline in your search rankings and organic traffic, it may be time to seek professional SEO help. In this article, we’ll discuss the top eight signs that indicate you need expert SEO assistance.

1. Your Website Has Technical Issues

Technical SEO refers to optimizing a website’s technical aspects, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, indexability, and security. These factors can affect how search engines crawl and index your site and how users interact. If your website has technical issues, such as slow loading times, broken links, duplicate content, or non-responsive design, it can hurt your SEO performance and user experience. A professional SEO agency can conduct a technical audit of your website, identify the issues, and provide recommendations and solutions.

2. Your Website Has Poor Content Quality

Content is king in SEO. High-quality, relevant, and engaging content can attract and retain visitors, establish your authority and credibility, and improve your search rankings and visibility. However, if your website has poor content quality, such as thin content, keyword stuffing, or duplicate content, it can lead to penalties, lower rankings, and reduced traffic.

3. Your Website Has Low Domain Authority

Domain authority (DA) is a metric that predicts how well a website will rank in search results based on its backlink profile, content quality, and other factors. Competing with other sites and ranking higher in search results can be challenging if your website has a low DA.

4. Your Website Has Low Page Speed

Page loading speed is a vital aspect of SEO and user experience. Sluggish load times can increase bounce rates, reduce engagement, and lower search engine rankings.

5. Your Website Has Low Click-through Rates (CTR)

Click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of users who click on your website’s link in search results. Low CTR can indicate that your website’s meta titles and descriptions are not compelling enough or that your website’s content is not meeting user intent.

6. Your Website Has Low Conversion Rates

CTR, or click-through rate, refers to the proportion of individuals who click on your website’s link when it appears in search results. Low conversion rates indicate your website’s design, layout, messaging, or user experience are not optimized for conversions.

7. Your Website Has Been Penalized by Search Engines

Search engines can penalize websites that use black hat or spammy SEO tactics, such as buying links, cloaking, or keyword stuffing. Penalties can result in lower rankings, reduced traffic, and even deindexation from search results. If your website has been penalized, it’s crucial to identify the cause of the penalty and take corrective actions to remedy the situation.

8. Your Competitors Are Outranking You

Finally, if your competitors are outranking you in search results, it’s a clear sign that you must step up your SEO game. Competitor analysis can help you identify your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats in your industry.


SEO is complex and dynamic; getting overwhelmed or stuck in your SEO efforts is easy. If you’re experiencing any of the above signs, it’s time to seek professional SEO help. A professional SEO agency can help you overcome challenges, improve your SEO performance, and achieve your business goals.

Discover the power of impactful branding in advertising with KillerSpots Inc. Our team of experts will help you create an unforgettable brand experience for your customers. Contact us today, and let’s make your brand shine!

Marketing vs. Advertising: Differences and Uses to a Business

woman using a laptop

The terms “marketing” and “advertising” are often utilized interchangeably, but they indicate to two distinct processes. While both are essential for a business to thrive, it’s important to understand their differences and how they can be used effectively for your business’ success. This blog post will explore the key differences between marketing and advertising and their respective uses and benefits for companies. 

By the end of this article, you must clearly understand how to leverage digital media marketing and advertising strategies to grow your business.

Marketing: Definition, Goals, and Strategies

Marketing is a broad term encompassing all business activities to promote and sell its products or services. It involves identifying the target audience, understanding their needs and preferences, and creating strategies to reach and engage them most effectively. The ultimate goal of marketing is to create a strong brand presence, build customer relationships, and drive sales.

Some critical components of marketing include:

1. Market Research: To understand the market dynamics, customer preferences, and competition, businesses must conduct thorough market research. This helps them identify gaps in the market and growth opportunities.

2. Product Development: Based on market research, businesses develop products or services that meet customer needs and preferences. This involves considering factors such as pricing, quality, and features.

3. Branding: A strong brand identity helps a business stand out and build customer loyalty. Branding includes creating a unique logo, tagline, and brand message that suits well with the target audience.

4. Promotion: This involves creating and executing strategies to promote the products or services, such as advertising, public relations, social media marketing, and content marketing.

5. Distribution: Businesses must ensure that their products or services are easily accessible to customers through online or offline channels. This may involve partnering with distributors, retailers, or e-commerce platforms.

Advertising: Definition, Goals, and Strategies

Advertising is a subgroup of marketing and refers to the paid promotion of a product or service through various media channels, such as television, radio, print, digital, and outdoor. The primary goal of advertising is to create brand awareness and persuade the target audience to purchase the product or service.

Some key components of advertising include:

1. Ad Creative: An effective ad should be visually appealing and convey the brand message. This involves designing the ad layout, visuals, and copy that resonates with the target audience.

    2. Media Planning: It involves selecting the most appropriate media channels to reach the target audience. Businesses must consider getting, frequency, and cost when choosing media platforms.

      3. Ad Placement: The placement of ads plays a crucial role in their effectiveness. Businesses must ensure their ads are placed in the proper context and time to grab the audience’s attention.

      4. Ad Measurement: To evaluate the effectiveness of an ad campaign, businesses must measure key performance indicators, such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and return on investment (ROI).

      Differences between Marketing and Advertising

      1. Scope: Marketing is a broader concept that includes all activities related to promoting and selling a product or service. At the same time, advertising is a specific marketing activity focusing on paid promotion through media channels.

      2. Objective: The primary objective of marketing is to create a strong brand presence, build customer relationships, and drive sales, while advertising aims to create brand awareness and persuade customers to make a purchase.

      3. Strategy: Marketing involves a strategic approach to understanding the target audience, developing products or services, and creating promotional campaigns. On the other hand, advertising focuses on designing creative ads and choosing the correct media platforms to reach the audience.

      4. Budget: Marketing requires a comprehensive budget that covers various activities such as research, product development, and promotion, while in house advertising requires a separate budget for media buying and ad production.


      Marketing and advertising are distinct yet interconnected aspects of a business’s promotional efforts. Marketing encompasses a broader range of activities to understand the target audience, develop suitable products or services, and create effective promotional campaigns. In contrast, advertising is a specific component of marketing that focuses on crafting compelling ads and selecting the correct media platforms to reach potential customers. Both marketing and advertising are essential for a business’s success, as they build a strong brand presence, foster customer relationships, and drive sales.

      Killerspots has firmly established itself as the best digital media advertising agency since its inception in 1999. With an array of services such as radio production, jingle production, TV and video production, social media management, studio rentals, and SEO, our full-service advertising agency and production house has served clients worldwide with unwavering dedication and passion. For those interested in harnessing the power of digital media advertising, call us at 800-639-9728 today.

      5 Ways a Jingle Can Be a Business’ Best Marketing Weapon

      man listening to the radio

      From the iconic McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It” tune to the unforgettable Kit Kat “Gimme a Break” melody, jingles have long been a powerful tool in the marketing arsenal of businesses. In an age where businesses are competing for consumer attention more than ever before, a catchy jingle can be the secret weapon that sets a brand apart from the rest.

      In this article, we will explore the reasons why a jingle could be your business’ best marketing weapon and how it can help you create a lasting impression on your target audience:

      1. Jingles Boost Brand Recall

      One of the primary reasons jingles are so effective is that they help in boosting brand recall. A catchy tune can easily get stuck in the listener’s head, making it much more likely for the consumer to remember your business or product when making a purchasing decision. This is known as the “earworm effect,” where a catchy song or melody is difficult to forget and keeps playing in our minds long after we’ve heard it. Jingles take advantage of this phenomenon by embedding your brand’s message in a memorable, catchy tune that will stay with your audience for a long time.

      2. Jingles Help Convey Your Brand’s Personality

      A jingle is not just a catchy tune; it can also convey your brand’s personality effectively. Whether you want to portray your business as fun, professional, or innovative, a jingle can help you communicate that message to your target audience. By selecting the right music, lyrics, and tone, you can create a jingle that resonates with your audience and helps to establish your brand’s identity.

      3. Jingles Connect with Your Audience Emotionally

      Music has a profound impact on our emotions, and jingles can tap into that power to create an emotional connection with your audience. A well-crafted jingle can evoke a positive emotional response, such as happiness, excitement, or nostalgia, which can help to create a positive association with your brand. This emotional connection can be incredibly valuable in building customer loyalty and driving repeat business.

      4. Jingles Are Versatile and Cost-Effective

      Jingles are a versatile marketing tool that can be used across various platforms, such as radio, television, online ads, and even in-store promotions. This means that once you’ve created a great jingle, you can use it in multiple ways to reach a broad audience. Additionally, jingles can be more cost-effective than other forms of advertising, such as visual ads or celebrity endorsements, making them a smart investment for businesses with limited marketing budgets.

      5. Jingles Can Create a Sense of Nostalgia

      Finally, a well-executed jingle can create a sense of nostalgia for your audience, which is a powerful marketing strategy. Nostalgia evokes positive feelings and can make consumers more likely to have a positive perception of your brand. By creating a jingle that taps into nostalgia, you can build a lasting connection with your audience that will keep them coming back to your business.


      All in all, a jingle can be a powerful secret weapon for your business, helping to boost brand recall, convey your brand’s personality, connect with your audience emotionally, and create a sense of nostalgia. By investing in a well-crafted, memorable jingle, you can set your business apart from the competition and create a lasting impression on your target audience. So, if you haven’t considered incorporating a jingle into your marketing strategy, now might be the perfect time to do so!

      KillerSpots Inc. is the best digital media advertising agency you can find, offering jingle TV and radio production, social media, studio rentals, and so much more. We are a contagiously creative full-service digital marketing agency and production house serving clients worldwide since 1999. If you are looking for jingle marketing help, work with us today!

      7 Reasons Big Businesses Stilll Use Radio Even Today

      radio ad

      In an era dominated by digital media, radio advertising might seem like a relic from the past. With social media, video platforms, podcasts, and streaming services all vying for consumers’ attention, it’s easy to assume that radio has lost its relevance. However, despite the rise of new media, radio advertising remains a powerful and effective marketing tool for businesses of all sizes, including some of the biggest names in the industry.

      Today, we’ll explore the reasons why radio advertising continues to thrive and why it should remain an essential component of your marketing strategy:

      1. Radio Reaches a Massive Audience

      According to some reports, radio has the highest reach among all media platforms, reaching 92% of adults in the U.S. every week. This translates to over 240 million people who tune in to radio stations on a regular basis. The diverse listener base of radio includes people of all ages, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds, making it an ideal platform for businesses to reach a broad audience.

      2. Radio Ads Are Cost-Effective

      Compared to other advertising channels, radio ads are relatively inexpensive to produce and air. This allows businesses to reach a large audience without breaking the bank. Additionally, radio offers a high return on investment (ROI) for advertisers, as studies have shown that every dollar spent on radio advertising generates an average of $12 in sales.

      3. Radio Advertising Builds Brand Awareness

      Radio’s unique ability to create an emotional connection with listeners makes it an ideal platform for building brand awareness. Through the use of catchy jingles, memorable slogans, and engaging storytelling, radio ads can leave a lasting impression on listeners and effectively communicate a brand’s message.

      4. Radio Offers Targeted Advertising Opportunities

      Radio stations cater to specific demographics, geographic areas, and interests, making it easy for businesses to target their desired audience. This level of targeting ensures that your advertising dollars are being spent on reaching the right people and getting your message across to those who are most likely to be interested in your product or service.

      5. Radio Advertising Is Non-Intrusive

      Unlike digital ads that can disrupt a user’s online experience or television commercials that interrupt a program, radio ads are seamlessly woven into the listening experience. As such, listeners are less likely to change the station or skip over an ad, ensuring that your message is heard.

      6. Radio Offers a Captive Audience

      Many people listen to the radio while commuting, working, or engaging in other activities where their attention is not divided. This captive audience is more likely to listen to and absorb your advertising message, making radio an effective platform for reaching consumers.

      7. Radio Advertising Complements Digital Marketing Efforts

      Finally, integrating radio advertising into your overall marketing strategy can help amplify your digital marketing efforts. For example, a radio ad can direct listeners to your website or social media channels or encourage them to download your app or subscribe to your podcast. By using radio in conjunction with digital platforms, you can create a cohesive and comprehensive marketing campaign that effectively reaches your target audience.


      Despite the rise of digital media, radio advertising remains a powerful and effective tool for businesses of all sizes. With its broad reach, cost-effectiveness, targeted opportunities, and ability to build brand awareness, radio continues to be a valuable marketing asset. If you’re looking to diversify your marketing strategy and reach a captive audience, consider incorporating radio advertising into your marketing mix.

      We, Killerspots Inc., are the best digital media advertising agency. We offer jingle production, social media, studio rentals, and more to help businesses boost their ROI. If you are looking for radio ad production to capitalize on radio, work with us today!


      jingles for business

      Why Your Business Needs a Jingle: The Benefits of Investing in a Killer Jingle from the Killerspots Agency.

      In today’s competitive marketplace, it’s more important than ever for businesses to have a strong and memorable brand identity. And what better way to achieve that than with a catchy and memorable jingle?

      At the Killerspots Agency, we specialize in creating top-notch jingles that will help your business stand out from the crowd. But you might be wondering, what are the benefits of investing in a jingle for your business?

      1. Increased Brand Recognition

      One of the biggest benefits of a jingle is that it helps increase brand recognition. A jingle is a short, memorable tune that is associated with a brand or product. It’s like a musical logo that sticks in people’s minds, making it more likely that they’ll remember your business when they need the products or services you offer.

      1. Increased Ad Recall

      Another benefit of a jingle is that it increases ad recall. A jingle is often used in commercials, and when a jingle is memorable and catchy, it can help people remember the ad and the product or service being advertised.

      1. Increased Emotional Connection

      Jingles can also help create an emotional connection with your target audience. A jingle that evokes positive emotions can help create a positive association with your brand, which can lead to increased customer loyalty.

      1. Increased Effectiveness of Advertising

      Jingles are also an effective way to grab attention and make your ad more memorable. A jingle can be used to break through the clutter and make your ad stand out, which can lead to increased effectiveness and ROI.


      1. Increased Reach

      A jingle can also help increase the reach of your advertising. A jingle that is played on the radio, television, or in stores can be heard by a wide audience, which can help increase brand awareness and drive sales.

      At the Killerspots Agency, we understand the importance of having a strong and memorable jingle for your business. That’s why we work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and create a custom jingle that perfectly aligns with their brand and target audience.

      We have a team of experienced and talented musicians and sound engineers who will work to create a jingle that is not only memorable but also unique and fitting to your brand. All of our jingles are 100% custom.  Every note and every lyric are completely custom made for each of our clients.  The Killerspots Agency has hundreds of talented voices, some of today’s best musicians and gifted, creative jingle producers on staff to create the perfect, Killer Jingle that engages our clients’ audiences.

      We also understand the importance of staying up to date with the latest trends in music and sound, that’s why we use cutting-edge technology and techniques to create jingles that are not only memorable but also sound great and are in sync with today’s audience.

      Our team is also experienced in creating jingles for a variety of industries and we have a proven track record of creating jingles that drive results.  Listen to our demo and you’ll hear the Killer difference guaranteed. We also offer jingles in several different languages including, English, Spanish, French and many more.

      Don’t let your business get left behind in the competition. Invest in a jingle from the Killerspots Agency and watch your brand recognition, ad recall, emotional connection, and ROI soar.


      Contact us today to request a free quote on how we can help your business stand out with an original, custom business jingle.

      6 Steps for the Best Small Business Web Design

      Small Business Web Design

      Is your small business online? You may already be aware of the importance of social media for your business, but is your website optimized for maximum lead conversion? And do you know the best small business web design and user experience (UX) strategies to make your site beautiful and user-friendly?

      In 2022, design is king for your website. In fact, a survey found that 50% of consumers believe that website design is important to a company’s brand. But user interface (UI) or UX is also incredibly important. UX/UI involves how users interact with your website, and how easy or difficult it is to navigate. In the same survey referenced above, 42% of users reported that they would leave a website because of poor functionality.

      So, for the best possible client experience, you want your small business website to be responsive, elegant, and easy to navigate. But how do you go about this? Where do you start with small business web design?

      Designing a small business website is a time-intensive endeavor, and there are many factors that affect web design or UX choices. However, there are some general rules of thumb to keep in mind. Keep reading for our top small business web design strategies to improve your small business website.

      Step One: Set Up Your Site

      You may already have a website for your small business, but if you don’t, you’ll need to start from the ground up. First, choose a Content Management System, or CMS, to develop your site. There are many CMS on the market to choose from, but the easiest are platforms that have a simple front-end design experience. Font-end design experiences, included in CMS like WordPress and Squarespace, allow you to visually design your website without needing extensive coding knowledge.

      After you’ve chosen your CMS, you will need to choose a host and domain for your site. A web host is where your website files are stored, and many hosting platforms will cater to a particular CMS. For example, Bluehost markets itself as a WordPress hosting site. WordPress itself also offers hosting services with WP engine.

      A domain is the web address that a user types in to find your website. Domain names should be simple, short, and relate to your business. If possible, use a keyword in your domain name that would be searched to find your business. For example, if your name is Hannah and you own a shoe store, you could register the domain “”. Robert with a consulting firm could register a domain like “”.

      Step Two: Choose Your Site’s Purpose

      Next, you need to know the purpose of your small business website. Will you be selling products online? Or is your site geared toward generating leads for a service you provide? Do you own a restaurant and your patrons are looking for your menu? Or are you a content creator, and you want to display your work for future clients? The purpose of your website will largely determine the layout and types of pages, as well as the overall branding and design. We’ll go more into detail in the section about pages.

      Step Three: Decide on Design and Layout

      Now that you have your CMS, domain, hosting, and the purpose of your small business website, it’s time to start designing. You can design your website using a template or create your own from scratch. Either way, first you will need to choose the overall look and feel of your website. What colors and typefaces are you using? Are you using images as design elements, or sticking to a more text-based design? Whatever you choose, keep it simple and stick to a defined color palette, typeface, and header style on every page. The more consistent your design, the more visually appealing your site is to your visitors.

      Next, choose a layout for your information. How is your content organized? Most users will expect these common elements, so make sure you include them in your layout:

      • A header with a navigation bar.
      • Your logo or business name.
      • Contact information that is easily accessible.
      • Footer navigation.
      • Social media links.

      Many websites now have a one-page, scrolling design, where the tabbed pages in your navigation bar transition from one to the next simply by scrolling. This layout is popular due to the increased prevalence of mobile internet traffic, where scrolling rather than clicking is the preferred method of consuming content. Choose the design that’s best for your small business website and your customer experience.

      Step Four: Choose Your Pages and Create Content

      With a design and layout in mind, it’s time to create your pages and fill them with content. Depending on the kind of small business you’re operating, you will want to emphasize different pages further up in your hierarchy. Restaurants will want their menu page front and center, while companies that provide services will need to list and describe those services first. Your pages will vary, but make sure you at very least include the following:

      • About Page
      • Services Page or Pages
      • Contact Page
      • Privacy Policy Page (A Legal Requirement)
      • Terms and Conditions Page (Also Required)

      Next, you’ll need to fill your pages with content. Make sure to have enough information on each page, but not too much to prevent visual clutter. Present information in an easy-to-read format, such as lists or bullet points, with clearly defined headers so visitors can find what they’re looking for more easily. Most web users skim read to find what they want to know, so utilizing headers is a great way to make sure your important content isn’t lost in excess fluff.

      Step Five: Optimize for SEO

      Once you create your content and organize your site layout, you will need to optimize your small business website for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Ensure that your small business website follows SEO best practices, including organic use of keywords, appropriate alt text for images, and updating meta descriptions within your search engine optimization tools. These SEO strategies will ensure your site ranks positively within search engines, increasing the chances of your target audience finding your website. You can check out this guide for some SEO best practices you can use to increase your small business website’s search engine rank.

      Step Six: Optimize for Mobile Devices

      To build off of the last point, SEO and mobile optimization go hand in hand, as Google has recently switched to mobile-first indexing. Users also respond more positively to sites that are optimized for mobile. So, making sure your website is fully optimized for all devices is key to gaining and retaining lead conversions.

      Approximately 55% of all web traffic comes from mobile devices, and 93% of users surveyed report that they would leave a website if it wasn’t optimized for their device. Utilize the responsive design settings in your CMS to design for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices, so your small business website works smoothly and looks sleek across all devices. Images and text elements should be resized to fit the screen, and navigation menus should be compressed into a hamburger menu, so the navigation is mobile-friendly.

      Get a Killer Small Business Web Design from Killerspots

      Are you not sure where to start designing your small business website? Killerspots’ web design team creates beautiful, responsive websites for our clients, no matter what industry they’re in. Learn more about our web design services and get in touch with us to get started today.

      Tips for Creating an Effective Custom On Hold Message for Your Business

      Custom On Hold for business

      Every detail of marketing matters when it comes to leaving a lasting impression on your audience. Studies show that 99% of people will make a decision based on the sound of an advertisement. 

      When you think of what should be included in your content plan and what jingles for business to pick, you most likely don’t prioritize making on-hold messaging the main sound element in your marketing…

      Because the majority of us are used to custom on hold for business ideas being dull and repetitive. For example, most on-hold greetings consist of cheesy elevator music that can slowly drive you crazy after a while. 

      But, what if there was a way to make an on-hold message that would leave a lasting impression, instead of filling time with bland, generic music?

      Here are some tips and tricks for converting listeners to loyal consumers. 

      How To Succeed With Custom On Hold for Business Messages

      Custom on hold for business messages are meant to provide the listener with useful information. This is valuable time for your business. For instance, you should use both a custom jingles production and craft a compelling script. 

      Therefore, the first thing to focus on is not on hold messaging equipment, but what you’re going to say in the message. Keep in mind that you have limited time, so you want to make every word count! 

      Write the Script 

      Without a great script, nobody will pay attention to the custom jingles for business you’ve created, or the radio commercial production. They’ll hang up and never think about your business again. 

      Now, to avoid the cost of on-hold messages being for nothing, you have to begin with putting yourself in the caller’s shoes. This means the message should start with a clear explanation of the company.

      However, you want to make the first section quick and efficient. Briefly introduce the company, highlight a standout feature, and move on.

      Other on-hold examples include jingles for commercials which provide an interlude between waiting and talking to an agent. Plus, who doesn’t love to hear some soothing tunes?

      It’s also important to give the caller a rough estimate of how long they might have to wait until they can speak to someone. After all, people take time out of their days to get in contact on the phone. 

      So, you want to show that you appreciate their time and patience in the on-hold message. 

      Make Announcements About Your Business

      Custom radio ads for business, and on-hold messages are great ways to promote an upcoming product or highlight an exciting event that has happened in the company. 

      You can inform callers about seasonal sales, a recently won award, or an additional feature that is being added to the business. Of course, these elements will be dependent on your brand. 

      Therefore, try to keep them relevant and up-to-date as much as possible. Otherwise, someone might be calling in summer, and your on-hold message is still talking about Christmas deals. 

      Keep It Short and Sweet 

      Everyone knows that the first few minutes of interacting with a business could make or break the future relationship. That’s why you should never make your on-hold message longer than a couple of minutes.

      If you write a good script that converts in those first few minutes, the caller will be willing to stay on the line a little longer. Then, you just need to provide them with a pleasant waiting experience. 

      Focus on the Sound 

      As already mentioned at the start of the article, the sound is essential for keeping callers on the line. However, you need to strike the balance between an enjoyable sound and making it clear it’s a recording. 

      We’ve all had those moments when you call a customer service line and you hear a ring thinking you’re through to an agent. Then, the subtle elevator music starts playing and you realize you’re waiting in the queue

      It’s not a fun experience.

      So, the trick is to make the music appeal to your listener and encourage them to wait around for a short while. Picking the correct background noise is arguably one of the hardest parts of making a successful on-hold message.

      Therefore, you want a company that is experienced in commercial production and on-hold messaging to take care of it for you.

      Benefits of On-Hold Messaging 

      Running a business is not an easy thing to do, there are constantly piles of paperwork piling up on your desks and calls to be made. But, investing in the small details of your company like on-hold messaging is worth the effort.

       1. Marketing Opportunity

      People are always looking for ways to optimize marketing opportunities, however, sometimes the most obvious resources are overlooked. After you’ve given a caller an update about your company, they can respond immediately.

      You don’t need to wait for engagement rates to increase, you have someone interested in your brand straight away. This allows you to promote your services and products one-to-one. 

      2. Answers Important Questions

      An on-hold message is also ideal for answering important questions about your company. You can include details such as phone numbers, discount codes, and opening hours. 

      This gives callers the key information to get in contact and use your business without having to scroll through pages of text. 

      3. Build Better Connections 

      At the end of the day, on-hold messages are key to building lasting and loyal connections with your audience. There’s nothing better than having someone listen to your concerns and wanting to help.

      Callers value this interaction and will be more inclined to use your business afterward. 

      Set the Right Tone With On Hold Messaging

      Ultimately, creating the perfect custom on hold for business message is about setting the right tone. You need to think about your caller and write a script that addresses their needs. 

      At Killerspots Agency we create radio ad production, on-hold messaging, and social media marketing that takes your brand to a new level. You can even hire a green screen studio rental in Cincinnati as well!

      The options are endless. It’s up to you how you use them. 

      Let us help you create a killer on-hold message and get in contact with our team today. 

      Green Screen Studio Rental in Cincinnati: Create Advertising Magic

      green screen studio rental in Cincinnati

      Movie magic isn’t just for Hollywood anymore. You too can create magic in your next television advertisement. How? A green screen studio!

      Yes, it’s that simple. Local television ads can be very effective for your business and a green screen studio rental in Cincinnati is exactly what your business needs to create your next ad.

      From a studio, you can create a strong brand identity in a professional and effective way. Keep reading to explore the many possibilities that a green screen studio can bring you. 

      What Is a Green Screen Studio?

      First things first, what is a green screen? A green screen is like a blank canvas. You or an actor can stand in front of the green screen, and the green screen is then used to edit other images and videos onto it during post-production. This process is called “chroma-keying.”

      In other words, the green screen is used so that the video editor can change the background behind the person standing in front of it so that it looks seamless and professional. 

      A green screen studio is a set place where the green screen is set up professionally, and there is professional lighting. A green screen is basically used for an editing trick, so there needs to be proper lighting, or it will not work. 

      A green screen studio rental is the perfect place to film your next ad because you will have amazing equipment at your fingertips and the professionals to help you use that equipment. 

      Creating an Ad With a Green Screen Studio

      Utilizing a green screen studio rental gives you the freedom to create advertising magic. With the blank canvas that a green screen can be, you are able to do a number of different things. 

      Let’s say your business is in the middle of a busy city. If you wanted to film an advertisement at your storefront, the bustling city is going to be way too loud for anyone to be able to hear you. You’ll create a sub-par commercial that isn’t going to look very professional. 

      If you use a green screen studio, you could take a high-quality photo of your storefront and edit it into the background. Then, you can still show the front of your store and talk to your audience. Since you are in a quiet studio, everyone will be able to hear you.

      If you sell a product you want to be demonstrated, but you don’t have the budget for an entire set, this is a perfect time to use a green screen. You can rent a green screen space and put any desired background behind the product demonstration. This can help you save money and gives you creative control over your ad. 

      These are just two simple ways that you can raise the quality of your advertisements with a green screen. 

      Benefits of Using a Green Screen Studio Rental

      There are many different benefits to using a green screen for your next ad. 

      First off, it looks very professional. Green screen technology has come a long way from looking awkward and cheesy. Now, you can create a professional and sleek look for your business through a green screen ad. 

      You can also use the green screen to create a brand identity. With the green screen, you have full creative control. This way, you can use your brand elements like colors, font, and logos, to help the audience understand your brand. 

      Crafting a brand identity is very important for any business, and a green screen studio can make that simple. 

      Not only are you able to have control over the environment, but you’ll be able to film practically anywhere in the world. Not literally, of course, but the magic of editing can make it look like you are anywhere in the world. You could be standing in Cincinnati and look like you’re on the beach! 

      Most importantly, the professional equipment is already set up for you! As we mentioned before, the correct lighting is very important in a green screen studio. You do not want to be responsible for learning all the ins and outs of studio lighting. Let the professionals handle that for you. 

      If you are curious about using a green screen and looking for some tips, you can learn more here.

      A green screen studio is exactly what you need for your next ad. Your business will see growth with a professional ad like what you can create in a studio.

      Why Use a Green Screen Studio Rental in Cincinnati?

      Renting a studio in Cincinnati can be very affordable in terms of creating an ad. Filming an ad and getting all the right equipment can be a very daunting task. Luckily, renting a green screen studio can be simple and within your budget. 

      Renting the right equipment you would need would not only take a lot more time but would cost way more than it would to simply rent out the studio. 

      Our green screen services at Killer Spots Agency have great options for hourly or full-day rentals, making it affordable and straightforward for your business. 

      We are here to help the less experienced or fade into the background for the more experienced filmmakers. No need to worry!

      Need to Rent a Green Screen Studio?

      Creating advertising magic doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. To create the perfect ad for your business, you need to rent a green screen studio. 

      Looking for a green screen studio rental in Cincinnati? We provide brilliant services to help your business grow and succeed. Whether you are a seasoned videographer or a business owner looking to create their next ad, we’re here to help.

      Contact us today to get a quote for your green screen studio needs. 

      Does Your Business Really Need On-Hold Messages?

      on-hold messages

      How good is your company’s phone etiquette?

      It’s likely that customer service reps, people in sales, and account representatives are trained in the right way to speak with your customers. However, when was the last time you thought about your on-hold messaging? 

      On-hold messages present a unique opportunity for education, information, and stellar customer interactions. The only problem is that very few businesses have come to realize this. 

      When you’re striving to make the best customer experience possible, every interaction counts. Phone calls, website submissions, and newsletters may seem like small things, but they matter a lot to your customers and clients. 

      It may seem like a small thing, but your on-hold messages have the power to completely transform the customer experience. Curious about how the right on-hold strategy can benefit your business? Read on to learn about the benefits of on-hold messages and tips around how to make yours count. 

      The Benefits of On-Hold Messages 

      There’s something about silence that seems to make people uncomfortable.  Think about the last time you had to call a company and you were put on hold. Chances are you didn’t sit in silence until someone was able to take your call. You may have heard music, special prompts, or tips while you waited. 

      Those small interactions you experienced on-hold were actually doing a lot to set the right customer experience. You were a little engaged during the wait time, may have heard tips on how to make the most out of your call, and could have even learned a little about the company. 

      It’s time for you to make the most out of your on-hold time. Here are just a few ways the right on-hold message can help your business and customers. 

      Improve Call Retention 

      Want to know about the true cost of silence? A poll showed that up to 70% of people on hold in silence end up hanging up. Even more jarring, a whopping 35% of those people never end up calling back. 

      Silence doesn’t do anyone any good when they’re on hold. A completely silent call could lead people to think that they’ve been mistakenly disconnected while they wait. The silence could make people feel like they aren’t truly valued, and if you don’t seem to value their time how can they value your business?

      Whether you go with soft music, informational messages, or something light-hearted, on-call messaging can help drastically improve your call retention numbers. Messages can help reassure people that they’re still on hold and that help will be on the way. 

      Process Calls Faster 

      Take a moment to ask your customer service representatives what tends to hold up the calls they’re on. We’re confident that many will mention just how long it can take for a customer to find all of their necessary information.

      Think about how much faster calls would go if you knew that every person on the other line had their account number, most recent bill, or credit card on file in front of them. This is where an on-hold message can become incredibly helpful. 

      Consider adding some preparatory information to your on-hold messaging. Give people a heads up so they know exactly what information they need to have on hand to make the call go faster. 

      Your customer service representatives don’t want to spend extra time on a call, and neither do the people calling in. Give everyone what they need to succeed with some simple prompts in your on-hold messages. 

      Create Sales Opportunities 

      You may have some loyal customers, but how often do you think they go online or visit your social profiles to look up information about sales and products? Unless they’re set on making a purchase, it’s safe to assume that your products and services don’t come up much in their daily routine.

      Don’t just view your call queue as a group of people that are waiting for help. They’re also a somewhat captive audience that is in a position to listen and learn. 

      Leverage this time well by sharing important information about your company. Let them know about any exciting changes or new products coming through the pipeline. Promote upcoming events or the benefits of using your company.

      Set the Right Tone 

      You never know what to expect from a customer when they’re calling your business. They may have had a very long and frustrating day, and having to call your business to deal with a problem could be the last thing they want to do. This could be the 2nd or 3rd time they’re calling in, and they’re starting to feel angry. 

      We can’t help ensure that everyone will be pleasant and cooperative once they reach your customer service rep, but you can help quell some negative feelings with the right on-hold message. 

      Don’t underestimate how helpful hearing a calm and upbeat voice can be when you’re on a call. It can help cool down hot tempers and reset the mood. Music can have an equally calming effect on people. 

      Your on-hold message can also help reset people’s focus and make them ready to deal with the matter at hand. Now your caller isn’t dwelling on their bad commute or their frustration, they’re focused on getting together their account information so they can get helped quickly. 

      Answer Questions Before They’re Asked 

      Are you going to be open during the upcoming holiday? Does your business require proof of vaccination before people can enter or is wearing a mask fine? Was there a service outage on the 25th, or were they just experiencing problems with their account? 

      A lot of the people calling in for help have questions that can be easily answered without the help of a representative. Make everyone’s day a little easier by providing customers with some important information when they’re on hold. 

      Talk to your customer service representatives about the questions they get asked the most when they talk to customers. Record hold messaging that answers their most pressing questions, and see how long it takes for customer satisfaction rates to go up and hold times to go down. 

      Making the Most of Your On-Hold Time 

      Now that you know about the array of benefits that come with having the right on-hold messaging, let’s talk about what to do with your on-hold time. 

      There are a lot of different directions you can take your on-hold message in. Some like to keep things strictly informational, others want to focus more on promotion than education, and you may have some strong opinions about the use of music.

      Regardless of where you stand, we have some tips that can help ensure that you make the most of your on-hold experience. 

      Remember Your Brand 

      It would be strange to hear crass jokes when you’re waiting to hear from your lawyer or doctor. On the flip side, it may be a little off-putting to hear a dull and clearly scripted message when you’re put on hold with your favorite vibrant salon. 

      Don’t forget about your company’s overall brand and voice when you’re making your on-hold messages. Now isn’t the time to try something new with how you present yourself. Stay on brand when people are on hold and focus on creating the right experience. 

      Think About Message Types 

      If you want to make great on-hold messages for calls, you need to think about the entire process from start to finish. 

      What will your customers hear the moment they call in? What happens if the lines are busy and you have to get a call back number or send them to voice mail? 

      Think about these potential instances when you’re crafting your on-hold messages so you can account for the entire experience. See how different potential outcomes and goals can affect your messaging. 

      Consider Educational Tips 

      If you want to make a truly great customer experience, don’t just give your customers the help they need at the moment. Consider giving them information that can help them in the future. 

      You can easily let your customers know that they can change certain features and make account upgrades in your app. Take things a step further and give them helpful bits of information related to your goods and services. 

      Do you deal with automotive sales and repairs? Record some on-hold tips around how often they should get their oil changed or the right time to replace windshield wipers. Are you making on-hold messaging for a doctor’s office? Tell your callers the difference between a cold and flu and tips around nutrition.

      Improve Your On-Hold Experience Today

      Learning about the true power of on-hold messages have is the key to improving on the most important areas of your customer service. Give your most loyal customers and new callers the best experience possible by designing on-hold messages that can educate, inform, and even entertain! 

      Are you ready to start thinking about your on-hold strategy? Do you have more questions about our other services? Whatever you need, make sure you reach out to us today so we can talk about how marketing and production can help your business. 

      10 Tips on Creating an SEO Strategy for Small Businesses

      creating an SEO strategy

      In 2021, when creating an SEO strategy, businesses shouldn’t focus only on targeting certain keywords. SEO and content creation are about more than targeting keywords.

      As algorithms mature, it’s important that content does as well. So, how can business owners take advantage of changing search engines? How can they be sure they’re doing it properly?

      Read on for 10 of the best tips for creating an SEO strategy for small businesses.

      1. Identify a Target Audience

      The first thing any business should zone in on is its target audience. Creating a target persona is crucial because it’s who the content is going to be geared towards. If a product or brand is meant for 18 to 24-year-old females, but the brand’s content is geared towards men in their 30s, that’s not going to get anybody very far.

      When creating a target audience or persona, it’s important to be as specific as possible. Here are a few base questions to answer:

      • How old is the target audience?
      • What do they look like?
      • What are their interests? Hobbies?
      • Are they in college? 
      • Do they work full-time?
      • Do they have kids?
      • Are they pet owners?
      • Are they homeowners?
      • What is their annual income?
      • Where do they live?

      While there are other ways to begin identifying your target audience, these questions provide a great place to start. Knowing their income, age, and whether or not they rent or own a home is important for knowing what kind of content they’d be interested in.

      Nailing down a few other basics is also a great way to begin identifying topics to base content from, and provides a great basis to begin keyword research with.

      2. Identify Easily Ranking Keywords

      While knowing the popular keywords a business can rank for is great, that’s also a great way to ensure they don’t ever end up on the first page of any search engine. Identifying keywords that fit within those popular keywords, however, is a win.

      So, while “dog treats” might not be an easy keyword to rank for, “dog treats near me” might be. It’s also great to get into specifics when conducting keyword research as well.

      If a business sells gluten-free, grain-free, or even organic dog treats, those are also potential keywords they could rank for. Exploring pages like Google Trends is a great place to get started.

      3. Determine Goals

      The next step is for the business to determine its goals. Is national or global SEO the goal here? Or is targeting local SEO going to be better in the long run?

      While that answer might depend upon each business’s industry (a locally-owned grocery store in New York might not want to target an audience in LA), it’s still worth taking into consideration for an effective digital marketing strategy.

      Wanting to boost search rankings is an obvious one here, but there are other things to take into consideration as well, like understanding how SEO can affect a business’s sales and overall revenue. If things are done well, then sales are going to go up. 

      If things are done poorly, then it’s almost guaranteed that nothing is going to go up. In fact, things can actually go south if special care isn’t taken to create high-quality content that draws people in.

      If businesses find themselves struggling to create a list of goals, then it’s best to keep it simple: create good content that has something to offer the reader, promote the brand, and keep audience members coming back for more.

      Often, repeat customers are valuable than new ones.

      4. Conduct Market Research

      Once a business has determined its target audience and goals, it’s time to research similar businesses in the marketplace. Market research can be as simple as looking at the first page of Google to determine what the competition may hold.

      Identifying how competitors work and what they do well is a great place to begin building a marketing strategy. While business owners don’t simply want to blend in with their niche, they do want to make sure they’re following marketing trends.

      Researching competition can help businesses identify not only what they would like to replicate in their own way, but also what they can do differently, and even improve upon.

      After gathering that information, it’s time to move into identifying what their target audience’s pain points might be.

      5. Identify Pain Points

      From there, business owners can begin to look at their target audience’s pain points. No business can fill all the gaps, and there are bound to be places that competitors are lacking.

      These pain points are often pointed out by customers in reviews — especially the bad ones.

      By going through content, website designs, customer reviews, and even conducting potential customer interviews, a solid content strategy can be built. This content strategy should incorporate not only what others do well, but also make up for what they don’t do well.

      6. Fix the Problem

      After that, it’s up to business owners to address their customers’ pain points and work to fix them.

      This may take some trial and error, but it’s not too complicated to address. Start with creating content that addresses your initial goals and fills any gaps you believe are in the market. From there, interact with your customers and followers on social media.

      Ask for their opinions and whether or not they would change anything you’re currently doing. It’s surprising how direct people can be when they’re asked for their opinion on a subject. Being open to honest feedback is also going to make the entire process easier.

      7. Create Quality Content

      The key here is to create content that not only targets specific keywords but also presents value to your target audience.

      This means answering specific questions, providing insight into specific situations, and even educating them on things they could do better. Creating numbered lists is always attention-grabbing, but so are how-to articles.

      A big thing to not do is keyword stuff. It isn’t going to help any site’s rankings. In fact, it’s simply going to hinder rankings and made readers want to click off content.

      Search engine algorithms actually have ways of spotting keyword-stuffed articles, and it usually results in lowering a website’s overall ranking, or just removing it from the search engine altogether.

      People — and bots — appreciate authenticity. Keep things simple and real!

      8. Use Keywords in Page URLs

      Now that you’ve worked so hard to create quality content, it shouldn’t go to waste with awkward, long webpage URLs. These too can be optimized for SEO, and definitely should be.

      In fact, this is where keyword research comes in the handiest

      Having simple, easy-to-comprehend page URLs is not only going to make content more clickable, but it’s also going to increase a brand’s overall search engine rankings.

      9. Improve User Experience

      Besides content, user experience (UX) is the best way to boost a business’s SEO rankings.

      In recent years, Google has evolved its algorithm to begin placing websites with great UX at the top of its rankings. Though content is still important and plays a larger role, placing emphasis on UX is a great move for any SEO strategy.

      Creating an intuitive website that’s easy to navigate is not only to drive to SEO rankings, but it also has the potential to boost conversion rates.

      10. Hire an Expert

      While SEO is a fairly common sense affair, hiring an expert is a great way to make sure it gets done right. Instead of spending hours conducting research and implementing SEO into a business website, business owners can set aside a portion of their budget to allow an expert to get it done for them.

      This is an especially great idea if a business’s website already exists. Having someone go through and optimize SEO instead of doing it alone can save business owners a lot of time and money in the long run. (Their focus can be placed elsewhere!)

      Remember These Tips For Creating an SEO Strategy

      When creating an SEO strategy, putting any of these tips to use can make a website flourish. Not only is taking SEO into consideration from the beginning an important step to take, but it’s also the most crucial.

      Having an excellent SEO strategy is going to boost a company’s search engine ranking. This can take any website from simply existing to the internet to thriving in the e-commerce world.

      If you don’t know where to begin, contacting the award-winning specialists at Killer Spots is a great place to start.

      Contact them today to begin your journey.

      Do’s and Don’ts of Writing a Jingle

      writing a jingle

      Jingle all the way? Easier said than done! Writing a jingle takes creativity, planning, and research. 

      Everyone knows famous jingles throughout marketing history. From Meow Mix commercials to those three famous NBC notes, good jingles have proven effective. 

      When the general population recognizes those famous jingles, they likely don’t consider the process of writing them.

      As an artist, you realize that how to write a catchy jingle is just as important as what’s in it. Keep reading to find some tips for writing jingles.

      Start With a Script

      Before anything else, advertising professionals should make sure they know what the client wants. How to write a catchy jingle is no different. 

      Starting with a rough draft script and run it by the client before taking the process much further. Content should come first, then create the jingle. 

      If a client isn’t happy with the message, it’s much easier to change it before it’s set to music.

      Do Research The Market

      A catchy and memorable jingle needs to be relevant. Before composers begin writing, they should pay attention to trending jingles. What kinds of beats and melodies are trending?

      A jingle that’s in the style will catch on better than an old-fashioned one. It may help to listen to the top 40 radio stations. Artists should take note of all genres: pop, country, rock, rap, and more. 

      Trending musical styles act as a helpful guide for writing a great jingle.

      Don’t Be A Copycat

      Using popular styles is a great idea, however, music plagiarism is never in style. Composers should also take care to create original content.

      Copycat tunes and/or lyrics are not only unethical, they’re illegal.

      Artists can check out online resources to help detect music plagiarism. If these resources aren’t available, playing a jingle for another music professional is a good safeguard against copycat work.

      Do Grab Audience Attention

      The rise in digital media is resulting in shorter attention spans. More than ever, the first several notes of music need to grab the listener’s attention. A good hook, or attention-grabbing opening, is vital to a successful jingle.

      A hook should be ear-catching and interesting. The main idea or chorus needs interesting content as well. This is where the main message should come through.

      Does the client want to highlight a phone number, website, or address? Jingle composers often use the following techniques to add interest to their content.

      Alliteration and Assonance

      Adding assonance and alliteration helps create catchy content. Beginning words with the same sound or letter is a great way to set information in the minds of consumers. Here are some examples of alliteration in advertising:

      Welcome to the world wide wow. (AOL)

      Don’t dream it. Drive it. (Jaguar)

      Some studies suggest alliteration serves as a memory aid. Composers should always make sure alliterative content makes sense. This helps consumers consider the concept of that catchy tune while it’s stuck in their heads.

      Rhyme Time

      The quilted quicker picker upper (Bounty).

      Click it or ticket (seat belt campaign).

      It’s easy to remember something with a rhythm. Language is no exception. Adding a rhyme or two to your jingle will make it more memorable. 

      A rhyming slogan is even better. Advertising is always the right time to rhyme.


      Words that sound like their meaning are a great idea for advertisers. Consider the Snap! Crackle! Pop!. And what about Plop plop! Fizz fizz! Oh, what a relief it is. from Alka Selzer?

      Incorporating memorable sounds into a jingle helps the tune and content stay with listeners. 

      A Catchy Question

      Can you hear me now? (Verizon)

      What’s in your wallet? (Capital One)

      Writing a jingle where you ask the audience to think is a great strategy. Include common questions asked in daily life, like the Verizon catchphrase, and recognition increases even more.

      If consumers ask the question, it may remind someone of the jingle and the product it’s representing.

      Don’t Make It Too Long

      While attention spans aren’t what they used to be, all is not lost. Some blame consumers’ inability to focus longer than eight seconds on competing content.

      Whatever the reason, advertisers don’t have long to catch the attention of their audience. With this in mind, jingle composers need to keep their catchy jingle short and sweet. 

      In general, an advertising jingle shouldn’t be longer than 30 seconds. Keeping ads quick helps your client’s message keep the attention spans of listeners everywhere.

      Do Use Short Words

      A jingle shouldn’t contain longer words than normal, either. If it’s something a person would not commonly say, it’s likely something the public won’t understand.

      Jingles should be relatively short anyway. Adding long words takes away the opportunity to add other meaningful content.

      Don’t Overcomplicate

      In the words of Avril Lavigne, “Why’d you have to go make things so complicated?”

      Avril isn’t the only one frustrated by overcomplicated strategies. Consumers don’t want complex musical elements. They want memorable and catchy.

      Think about the three notes of NBC’s jingle or the sound your computer makes with it boots up.

      These are all examples of sonic logos. Incorporating them into your jingle will help keep things memorable and simple. 

      The alphabet song or nursery rhymes wouldn’t be effective memory aids if they were complicated. These tunes use easy-to-remember intervals (distance between notes). Simple melodies don’t confuse listeners’ ears, they engage them.

      Do Use Action Words

      Just Do It. Nike’s slogan is the best example of a slogan that gives a command. A jingle should be no different. 

      Providing a call to action is an important tip for writing jingles. If consumers don’t take action after hearing a company jingle, what’s the point? 

      A jingle should leave listeners with some kind of instruction to call, visit, or buy. 

      Create FOMO

      How to make memorable jingles? Establish a need with the listener(s). Nobody wants to feel left out and FOMO is real among consumers.

      Fear Of Missing Out drives listeners to buy in to products and experiences. Creating a sense of FOMO through a company jingle makes listeners want to act. 

      Don’t Forget Your Brand Name

      Forgetting a client’s brand name in a jingle is like running brushing teeth while eating Oreos. There’s really no point to it at all.

      Brand recognition is key in any marketing strategy. Client jingles must include the product or company brand. 

      Take A Tip From Pavlov

      A jingle becomes even more powerful when listeners can pair just a few notes with their brand. Think of McDonald’s (ba-da-ba-ba-ba), or the State Farm jingle (like a good neighbor). People know without hearing anything else, those words belong with that company.

      This Pavlovian response comes from a few short notes paired with a brand over and over again. If people see and hear them together enough times, they two become synonymous. 

      Use this Pavlovian response as a guide to writing good jingles. Pairing a catchy tune repeatedly with a brand can pay off big for clients and artists.

      Do Be Professional

      Everyone can tell a laptop basement recording from professional quality work. Artists work hard to make jingle content and melody what it should be. Why ruin all that work with shoddy production material or subpar performances?

      Professional recording and production equipment are a must. If possible, hire professional musicians. Find a vocalist who knows what he or she is doing.

      High-quality content with high-quality performance will provide clients with the high-quality product they want. Professional standards help jingle writers grow their craft as well. Clients will return and spread the word if they are satisfied with their highly polished results.

      Don’t Be Inappropriate

      Catchphrases and cute quips make for great jingle material. Content should always be appropriate and professional. Controversial topics and cringy content should be avoided.

      Unless the client is specifically asking for eyebrow-raising content, shy away from it. 

      Writing a Jingle Should Be Fun

      It’s important to take the craft seriously. However, a creative process without fun will show in the final product.

      How can jingle creators make fun content without having fun themselves? Read a joke book, watch funny youtube videos, and take breaks when needed. Find posters, funny memes, or other visually uplifting material to line the writing room.

      Learn From the Best

      Motivating factors vary from artist to artist. The creative process of writing a jingle will look different for each composer. There is no one right way of how to write a jingle for a business. 

      The award-winning professionals at Killer Spots can serve your business by writing jingles, creating social media marketing, web design, SEO services, and more.

      Send them a message today to find out how Killer Spots can help your business succeed.

      7 Customer Service Tips for Helping People Over the Phone

      customer service tips

      60% of people in in need of customer service prefer to call than to communicate using any other support channels. On a phone call, a person can get more information faster than chat support. A person can also interpret the tone and the vocal queues from the other end of that phone call.  Some people prefer to hear a voice rather than read a message.

      Communicating with a customer over the phone can be very difficult. This is because messages can be misinterpreted and muddled when talking to the person on the other end and without visual contact. Therefore, there is a need for good phone call etiquette.

      For the phone call support to continue growing in popularity and have a competitive advantage over chat support, there is a need to improve the experience.  Here are seven phone customer service tips to improve on phone etiquette and have better telephone communication skills.  

      1. Adopting a Positive Tone and the Smile Effect

      A customer will feel more comfortable on the call if the customer care representative on the other end projects a natural, enthusiastic, and attending tone. They must also control their pitch and the rate of their speech.

      If the customer care representative speaks at a rate beyond 130-150 words per minute, the client may not understand what they are saying.  Anything lower than 130 words per minute may seem to the client like the customer care representative is slow and very lazy. 

      Controlling and balancing one’s pitch is also critical because a high pitch is considered youthful and does not portray the person as authoritative. A low pitch is harsh for any person listening.

      For a person to sound interested and natural, they have to find a middle ground for their speech rate and pitch. They must also vary their inflection and avoid using a monotone that’s boring and less enthusiastic.

      When answering a phone call, it’s always advisable to smile. As they say, a smile can be heard on the other side of the call.  Your voice will be warmer and friendlier when you speak with a smile. Smiling as you greet the caller, ensures that the conversation begins positively and creates leeway for a pleasant and productive exchange. 

      2. Sincerity

      While offering customer service, all conversations must be sincere and genuine. While starting the conversation, say hello and avoid the scripted greeting that sounds inauthentic and artificial. After saying hello, introduce yourself, the company you work for, and offer your assistance.

      When working on a switchboard or answering a transferred call, it’s important to indicate the department you are part of so that the client can be assured that you can help.  By doing this, the customer will be at ease, and they will know that you are there and ready to help. 

      Never use phrases like “I can’t do that”, “just a second”, or “I don’t know” because they connote negativity.  Instead, always tell a caller what you can do and always specify how long a task will take to complete. 

      Being sincere and positive while answering a caller’s questions calms them and leaves them satisfied at the end of the conversation.

      3. Courtesy While You Put a Caller on Hold

      When you need to put callers on hold, you must ask for their permission first; it’s also important that you give them the option of either leaving a voicemail message or waiting. When putting them off hold, it’s advisable to thank them for waiting in line. This assures the caller that you respect their time.

      4. Enunciation and Use of Verbal Nods

      When on-call, do not use jargon or complex words; instead, use simple words and phrases. Speak clearly, avoid using filler words and slang because they reduce the quality of that conversation. Eating or chewing during a conversation leads to an inaudible speech. To optimize your customer service, avoid these practices. 

      Words like “I see”, “ah”, and “right” are examples of verbal nods. They are the tiny utterances a person makes while listening to another. In a phone conversation where there is no visual feedback, these words must be intensified.

       A skilled phone representative occasionally throws in these words to assure the caller that they are still attentively listening. 

      5. The Use of a Caller’s Name

      A person’s name to them is the most important and the sweetest sound in any language. Using a customer or a caller’s name in the conversation provides a warm personal touch. People love it when they hear a customer care provider address them by their name.

      A person on either side of the phone call can easily get distracted. A customer care representative must then use the name of the caller to recapture their attention. Name showering or name-calling is sometimes overused or overdone to the point of sounding awkward. At this point, it’s advisable to let go of the name showering.

      6. Listen and Be Prepared for Objections

      When dealing with either inbound or outbound calls, a customer care representative has to learn to listen more and answer questions precisely. A caller can read the authenticity of the brand by the way the customer care representative articulates themselves.  

      It’s also possible that the caller will not always agree with your answers, therefore be prepared to listen, reason with, or counter without getting irritated.  

      7. Customer or Caller Satisfaction

      Before hanging up on a conversation, the caller’s concerns and questions must be answered. Ask the client if there is anything else you can help them with, and if there is no, then provide information that they may need to know in the future as long as it’s relevant.

      Share all the necessary information they may need, like if they need to call back whom they should talk to and at what time. And lastly, wish the caller a nice day or tell them that it was nice talking to them. This makes the customer feel like you happily helped them, and if need be, you would happily serve them again.

      Why Are These Customer Service Tips Crucial?

      Efficient phone call skills are crucial because they result in productive relationships that ultimately lead to increased sales and services. When handling clients on the phone, one must remain confident, remain positive, and empathize with them when necessary.

      Once a client realizes that they were treated with consideration, care, and courtesy. They will come back for repeated business, and they will refer their friends to you. 

      To learn more about business call etiquette and more customer service tips, visit our website.

      5 Funniest On-Hold Messaging Service Scripts

      on-hold messaging service

      You know the headache of being on hold with a company for several minutes. The annoying sound of elevator music plays in your ear at an insanely loud volume. Then, you’re stuck. You’re stuck listening to whatever automated script the company chooses to play on their on-hold messaging service. You roll your eyes and suck it up as you have no other option.

      However, as a business owner, you have the option to use a script on your own on-hold messaging service that’ll keep your customers intrigued and make them forget they’re even on hold. Being on hold doesn’t have to be a painful experience.  It can be fun when done the right way.

      Don’t subject your customers to boring elevator music. Continue reading below for the top funniest on-hold messages that prove you can have fun with it!

      Importance of Humor in an On-Hold Messaging Service Script

      You know the pains involved with being kept on hold. As a business owner, you don’t want to put your own customers through this same pain. Instead, you want to create an on-hold message that’s humorous,  fun, entertaining, informational, or just silly. 

      The best on-hold wait time is one that goes unnoticed because the customer is having so much fun with the message that’s playing. The type of message that you decide to play on your own messaging service is up to you, but here are a few examples to get the inspiration flowing. 

      1. Lakeland Auto and Marine

      “Thanks for choosing Lakeland Auto and Marine. You’ll find us in Port Clinton, Ohio about 4,000 miles west of France and left or right of Lake Erie depending on which way you’re coming from. We’re also directly in line with the sun, so if you’re gonna stop by you might want to bring a hat.”

      This on-hold message from Lakeland Auto and Marine is all about being silly. Their location is in their name, so it’s easy for them to have a bit of fun with where they’re located.

      While customers are on hold, they’ll be laughing about the silly directions given to them and might even appreciate the suggestion to bring a hat as the sun can get quite brutal as it shines down on an auto lot. 

      2. Town and Country Hotel 

      “Thanks for choosing Town and Country the San Diego hotel with free sheets and revolutionary in-room toilets. Friendly dogs are always welcomed at Town and Country. We’ve even set aside a special area for them where they can do doggy things like running, city planning, and solving advanced puzzles that require critical thinking. Book your pet-friendly room when we return.”

      This hotel had a lot of fun creating their on-hold message. It’s clear from the message that they’re a dog-friendly hotel and have special areas for dogs to run around in. Yet, instead of saying that, they decided to have some fun with it instead. 

      You also have to love that hint of sarcasm when explaining that they have free sheets and in-room toilets! 

      3. Binkelman 

      “Lots of people fantasize about making love to Continentals Maximizer Prodrive selection analysis software, and we understand why. It helps design a fish and power transmission belt drives for your drive system. You just answer your drive specifications, and Maximizer Pro shows you belt options that will deliver the maximum energy savings for your application. That’s pretty hot, I know, but while Maximizer Pro is all out freaky sexy, it’s also cold and emotionally unavailable, so please don’t fall in love.”

      Here’s a company that’s product is software. An otherwise boring topic of discussion, software in this on-hold message is seen in a whole other light. This company uses its message to convince its customers that the software product is desirable. 

      The message also tells a little bit about the software as well, which works out well for an informational message. The message ends with a silly statement that almost makes the customer feel attached to the product!

      4. Walter’s Goodyear

      “”Are you afraid of robots? Well, who isn’t? They’re creepy and their internal oils could leak on your couch and your pants, but it’s time to get over our fears so Walter’s Goodyear has hired a robot to answer our phones. Say hello to Vince. “Nice to meet you.” Vince why don’t you tell our friend about our 1795 oil change. “It is an oil change that cost 17 dollars and 95 cents.””

      This company uses a fun message with a human voice speaking with a robot that the company hired to tell customers all about their services. The human voice on the recording is funny and uplifting and the robot’s voice sounds more artificial. The robot goes into details about the services offered and this makes it informational, but fun!

      5. Rumpf

      “Is stress getting the better of you? Then take trombone lessons and eat more horse meat. Romantic trombone music has been clinically proven to reduce the effects of the hormone cortisol and, of course, the unique molecular structure of horse meat stimulates the deeply suppressed urge in humans to gallop, and it’s hard to be stressed when you’re galloping. Take it from us, we’re galloping to the phone right now to take your call and we couldn’t be more relaxed.” 

      This company decided to address the topic of stress to its customers on hold. How ironic is that? Yet, this makes the message quite interesting. 

      The message also ends with a funny statement that they’re galloping over to the phones right now to answer the customer’s call! Customers can have a good laugh while waiting for someone to gallop on over. 

      What’s Your On-Hold Messaging Service Script?

      Do you have an on-hold messaging service script? What does yours sound like? Is it fun and uplifting, or is it boring elevator music? 

      Bring your customers some light-hearted fun while on hold with your business. Click here to receive a quote on on-hold messages and phone greetings!

      Why Is Audio Such an Intimate and Effective Advertising Medium?

      effective advertising

      Effective advertising in the digital age often is a matter of tell-don’t-show, in a manner of speaking. Sure, you still have to use concrete language and tap into the target audience’s emotions. More and more, however, that can be done through the sense of hearing rather than sight or touch.

      We’re talking about audio advertising and the compelling power it has to reach educated, diverse markets. In the following article, we’re going to explore the reasons audio is so intimate and effective for this market. First, however, let’s look at whether the audio hype is myth or reality. 

      Is Audio Effectively Better for Advertisers? 

      Anecdotally, audio seems like a viable platform for advertisers to get their messages in front of the right people. One look at the plethora of podcasts, streaming platforms, and radio listeners will tell you that. What do the numbers say, though? 

      Well, 40% of surveyed consumers use voice to purchase something every month. Furthermore, over half of podcast listeners have annual household incomes of $75,000. Most listen to around seven podcasts per week as well.

      We know from this data that the use of voice-related applications is on the rise from both user-activated and consumer standpoints and that the people listening are on-the-rise with more money to spend than the average person. Ever wondered why it’s that way? Here are some reasons.

      1. Listener Behaviors Are Well Established

      Podcast sponsorship is a pretty safe bet for getting into the audio advertising market. That’s because podcasts easily can list their subscribers. In fact, it behooves them to have that kind of transparency.

      Also, given the niche focus of most podcasts, you know automatically what type of behaviors and preferences these users have established. You really don’t have to do as much legwork to figure out everything.

      2. Listeners Subscribe Based on Their Trust of a Personality

      Something else podcast marketing has going for it many other forms of advertising do not is a built-in endorsement. See, listeners choose a host or team to listen to because they’ve already been engaged. Engagement is built on trust.

      The relationship with podcast marketing differs from even radio advertising, which wears the stigma of corporate sponsorships and one-size-fits-all. Podcasts are built around interests, and influencers in this arena understand that when they welcome an advertiser aboard, they’re indirectly adopting acceptance of the brand they’re pitching.

      You, as an advertiser, benefit from the intimacy that influencer has established. That can be a win for everyone involved with the right offer.

      3. They Are More Forgiving of Audio Interruptions

      The standard video commercial doesn’t play to a captive audience. They get up, check the chicken in the oven, use the restroom, or catch up on chores until their program-of-choice is back.

      Audio advertising usually plays to a captive audience driving to and from work or handling something work-related at their desks. They are far more forgiving of these interruptions because a) audio advertising usually is shorter (20 seconds to a minute per break), and b) it’s generally tailored to whatever piece of content they’re listening to.

      In other words, they find the advertising shorter, more relevant, and easier to digest. As a result, they’re going to be willing to listen instead of redirecting their attention somewhere else. 

      4. They Continue to Adopt Audio in a Variety of Forms

      The captive audience thing is so important when you think about those primary ways your audience consumes audio content or audio stories. Whether it’s through podcasting, listening to a streaming service like Pandora or Amazon Music, or playing a radio app, the audience is mentally ready to engage.

      5. Listeners Also Appreciate the Conservative Size of Audio Files

      Data usage is a growing concern for consumers trying to control costs. Downloading audio files goes quick and smoothly over a Wi-Fi network, allowing your audience to listen whenever and wherever they choose.

      Ways to Use Audio to Your Advantage

      Now that you know why this form of advertising and content consumption is so intimate and effective for your target audience, you need to shift your focus to how you can use this knowledge and formatting to your advantage. Here are some quick suggestions. 

      Content First

      Start by being a consumer first. Listen to the programs and platforms you’d like to capitalize on. Note how long each advertising spot is, when it appears, and what type of information it covers.

      From there, invest in high-quality equipment for shooting and editing. Use layers to enhance the sound quality and noise cancellation to buffer out any remaining distractions. Last but not least, test multiple ads across several programs and platforms to learn what works.

      Add Color and Background

      Beyond the content itself, listen deeper for maximum effect. By that, we mean to note any use of background music and sounds. Find ways you can incorporate those effects into your own advertising.

      Make sure you have permission or the legal right to use whatever you choose for adding to the end-listener experience. This especially is important for longer-form advertising like audio stories (see Reid Hoffman’s Masters of Scale podcast for examples of this technique done right). Lastly, choose the right voice-over person for your ad. 

      Partner with the Right Creator

      Tailor an offer to the specific audience. That means partnering with a content creator in your niche. Someone who can deliver the right target market for your product or service. 

      Change It Up

      Use different content creators and change up your messaging and offers. There’s no better way to get a feel for what works and what doesn’t then trying to best your best effort. 

      Review Your Results

      Pay close attention to the analytics. Using promo codes on special offers that are tailored to that audience is the best way to see if you’re getting an adequate return on investment. 

      Audio Is Effective Advertising Because Listeners Choose You

      We recommend audio as one of the most effective advertising methods because it’s one of the only venues where the listeners choose you. By that, we mean they’re more likely to stay engaged with your content than other forms of advertising. 

      Good luck as you build your audio advertising campaign. If you need professional assistance in any or all of the above-mentioned areas, contact the Killer Spots Agency today.

      How to Create a Hilarious on Hold Message Script That Your Callers Will Love

      on hold message script

      There aren’t many things people hate more than being put on hold when they call your company. They expect to talk to a person and to be treated like one, and instead, they’re ignored and have to spend time waiting for someone to answer. It’s annoying, and it can cost you business. Yet, there are simple ways to keep people on the line if they’re on hold, and the best one is to write an on hold message script.

      This is a script that your customers will hear when they waiting to talk to an actual person. It’s what place when someone is on hold, and it costs almost nothing to write one up and record.

      And the best part is that you don’t need to write your on hold message script to be so formal. The point of an on hold message is to keep them on the line, not to bore them to death! So, you might as well try to have some fun with it and make your customers laugh while they wait.

      And to learn how to write a comedic message script, just keep reading below!

      A Person Will Need to Read Your On Hold Message Script

      The first step is to realize that writing a script isn’t like writing an article or any other kind of copy. Most kinds of writing are meant to be silently read by a single person. Yet, writing scripts is different because it’s meant to be read out loud by a specific person.

      Instead of writing to inform people or to entertain them, you need to write your script as a way to create a conversation. You need to imagine what someone would say to another person and then put it on the page. Don’t be afraid if it feels like you’re talking to yourself — that just means you’re writing well.

      It’s Not Just the Writing That Matters — Voice Matters Too

      While you need to adapt your writing style for screenwriting, you also need to realize there are additional production steps to recording an on hold message. You need to find someone who has the right voice for the job, and who can read your script well.

      A person can have a perfect voice for the job, but they may not be able to pronounce words well or emphasize the right things. When it comes to comedy, coming off as monotone can kill the joke. It doesn’t matter how well you write your script if it isn’t delivered well.

      Forget About the Business, Have Fun With It

      After finding the right person to read your script, it’s time to start writing it out! As a business person, you’re probably used to writing articles and reports about revenue and strategy. Yet, writing comedy is the exact opposite of these writing styles.

      Comedy writing is about having fun with words and being unafraid to say the things that are on everyone’s minds. It’s about getting people to have fun while staying informative and telling a story. And everyone can do it, but not everyone can do it well.

      To write a comedy script well, you need to be open with yourself and your audience. Write about your flaws as a company, and present them in a humorous light. The easiest way to start is to write about forcing people to stay on hold and joke about it.

      Never Laugh at Your Own Jokes, Write It With Coworkers

      Most writers get into the business because they want to work in seclusion. They’re attracted to the myth of being alone with nothing but a keyboard and a computer, scribbling their thoughts. Yet, comedy writing isn’t like traditional writing.

      When it comes to writing comedy, you need to have people around you. There should be people around you that you can bounce ideas off of. Otherwise, you’ll just be telling yourself jokes and slowly go insane as you force yourself to laugh at your own jokes.

      It won’t make for good comedy writing at all, and you won’t produce a usable script.

      Don’t Be Afraid to Be Unprofessional — It’s Comedy

      Many professionals aren’t used to stepping outside of their comfort zones and being exactly what they’re not: unprofessional. Yet, to write comedy, that’s exactly what you must be. You can’t be afraid to take off the stuffy suit and let yourself relax, writing whatever comes to mind.

      And if you write something that doesn’t impress your coworkers or earn accolades, that’s fine. It’s called the writing process, and it’s why most writers prefer their seclusion. All writers are embarrassed by their first drafts.

      Just because you’re writing comedy doesn’t mean you won’t feel embarrassed by what you write. The goal of writing comedy is to overcome that embarrassment, and for you to help your fellow writers know they have nothing to be afraid of. The best comedy writing comes about when the writers are all the best of friends.

      Make Sure The Script Stays On-Brand

      It doesn’t matter if you’re writing marketing copy or if you’re writing a comedy script; everything must stay on brand. Writing is about capturing your inner voice and sharing it with an audience. The same applies when you’re writing for a company, and its brand is its voice.

      If you stray away from the company brand, your audience will notice and your on hold message will backfire. People will feel tricked as they wait to talk to an actual person, and by the time they reach someone real, they’ll be furious.

      But, if you stay on brand, people will feel safe and understood. They’ll feel confident that they know what the company is all about, and that will make them easier to work with.

      Make Your Company More Personable With a Comedy Script

      A comedic on hold message script isn’t just some novelty you can invest in because you feel like it. It’s a way to distinguish your company and establish your brand, and it can help make your customers more eager to do business with you. It’s icing on the cake of your company; without it, it’s not really a cake at all.

      Yet, it takes a certain kind of person to write comedy well, and for that, we’re here. Reach out to us, and we’ll prepare a comedic on hold message that will do more than resonate with your audience. It’ll make them laugh, and that’s what it’s all about.

      9 Reasons Why You Need a Catchy Jingle for Your Business

      catchy jingle

      When you hear the word “jingle,” a number of promotions, radiospots, and Superbowl commercials probably come to mind. That’s because our memories can’t help but cling onto those catchy tunes. Studies show that in order to process music, we use the same parts of the brain associated with memory and emotion. 

      On the fence about creating a catchy jingle for your business?

      Here are nine reasons you need to change that tune with a good jingle! With these nine benefits of a business jingle, you can stay in everyone’s minds for a long time with killer brand recognition. 

      1. Attention-Grabbing

      When we hear a catchy tune, we can’t help but listen. Whether we’re in the car or watching tv, songs attract our attention. A well-written, catchy jingle will grab a consumer’s attention and keep it for the length of the ad. 

      Without a jingle, however, people might tune out your advertisement. 

      Once your jingle catches everyone’s attention, it will keep them interested. That way, you can convey the benefits of your product or service within the rest of the ad. By sparking interest, jingles can help you make the most of your company’s advertising budget.

      Otherwise, you’re missing an opportunity. Adverts or commercials without jingles don’t always manage to stand out from the crowd. In some cases, you’ll fall to grab everyone’s attention.

      As a result, people will miss hearing the main message of your ad!

      2. Lasting Impressions

      Once you grab your audience’s attention with a catchy ad, you want to stick in their minds. That way, they’ll think about your business even after the ad ends. 

      Music is a very powerful advertising tool. Without us realizing it, music embeds itself within our subconscious. Even months after hearing a catchy jingle once, we’ll still remember the song. 

      Print ads and pay-per-click ads come and go. Sometimes, we forget them in a manner of seconds. By advertising using jingles, however, you can ensure consumers remember your ad much longer. 

      An ad that leaves a lasting impression is far more valuable than an ad that gets a single glance. 

      If you create a unique, catchy tune, you can stay in people’s minds for a really long time. 

      3. Brand Representation

      How do you want people to view your business? For example, a dog-walking service would want to represent themselves as fun-loving and trustworthy.

      The music you use within your marketing videos and advertising campaigns will represent your brand. That means the music is also representing your business, which can develop into a long-lasting reputation.

      By creating a quality, catchy jingle, you can make sure you’re properly representing your brand.

      Your jingle will tell customers about your personality. As a result, consumers will begin to get a better idea about your business. A strong, unique brand personality can also help you stand out from competitors.

      When developing your jingle, keep your brand in mind.

      4. Music & Mood

      Putting people in the right mood can spur them to make a change or start shopping. It can also help spark interest in your business. 

      If you want customers to feel excited about your product or service, you need the right music. 

      Music impacts us in different ways. Hearing the same commercial jingle a second time can cause us to fall into the same mood. 

      By adding a jingle to your next ad, you can get customers hyped up about your business. 

      5. Brand Association

      A catchy jingle can also help people retain information. What people hear from your ad will stick in their memory. The mood and emotions people feel after hearing your ad will become a part of your brand, too. 

      Creating a well-thought-out jingle will give consumers an easy, fun way to remember who you are and what you do. 

      Using music will help you create an emotional connection with your customers. 

      They’ll associate those emotions with your company every time they see your brand. Then, you can depend on the emotions they associate with your company to get repeat business. 

      6. A One-Time Cost

      While a catchy jingle can help you attract loyal customers, you only have to pay for the jingle once. Many companies refrain from developing jingles because they’re expensive. However, they don’t come with royalties or recurring fees.

      That means you can use them as many times as you want for a higher return on your investment!

      7. Audio is Effective

      Why waste money on marketing and advertising strategies that haven’t worked for you before? Instead, you can learn how to write a jingle that represents your brand and helps you stand out. Adding a jingle to a video that seems plain can give your content the boost it needs.

      Instead of wasting money on strategies that aren’t working, you can use audio to make sure your brand is memorable. 

      Discover the importance of jingles in your advertising. 

      8. Cut Through Noise

      Our world is highly saturated. Everywhere we turn, online and in-person, we’re bombarded by visual ads. By now, we know when companies are advertising at us.

      A catchy jingle can cut through the noise.

      Instead of struggling to stand apart from the competition, a well-written jingle can do it for you. Now that it’s more difficult to grab someone’s attention among the numerous ads we see each day, you need a strategy that will help you compete. 

      9. Nostalgic Emotions

      According to this study, different types of music can also produce different emotional reactions. 66% of survey participants also said music is more memorable when it’s used within marketing. 

      A well-written jingle can manipulate our emotions.

      By drawing on familiar experiences and memories, nostalgia helps us look back on better moments. Nostalgia is a powerful marketing tool that can entice people based on previous emotions. 

      By transporting your audience to a better time, you can use a catchy jingle to boost sales!

      Jingle All the Way: Why Your Business Needs a Catchy Jingle

      One catchy jingle could help you attract a stream of new and recurring customers. With these nine benefits in mind, you can start singing a new tune when it comes to adding jingles to your ads. 

      Explore our Jingle Production services today to start giving your ads extra power that rivals your competition!

      Your Guide to a User Friendly Website

      user friendly website

      People are busy, always on-the-go while looking for the next big thing. Consumers expect companies to keep up with their needs. Otherwise, their digital experience won’t fit in with their life in the real world. 

      So how do you give customers what they want?

      With a user-friendly website, you can make your customers’ lives a lot easier. UX design could also boost your business.

      According to research, a well-designed user interface could increase conversions by 200%. Meanwhile, a better user experience design could increase conversions up to 400%.

      By now, you’re probably wondering what user-friendly web design entails. Keep reading to discover what makes a good website through user-friendly design. 

      1. Start Responsive

      Most people keep up with the world from their smartphones. 

      According to research, 61% of site users will choose a competitor’s mobile-friendly site over one that’s not. Meanwhile, 45% are less likely to visit a site a second time if they had a poor user experience. 

      To develop a user-friendly website, you first need to keep your mobile users in mind. 

      Make it easier for people to use your website from their smaller screens. This can include creating a mobile-friendly or responsive site. 

      To optimize for mobile users, keep navigation, font sizes, and buttons in mind. Photos and videos should all scale for smaller screen widths.

      Otherwise, your mobile users will end up pinching and zooming out, trying to see your content. 

      2. Simplify the Nav

      People can’t explore your website if the navigation is difficult to use. 

      For a user-friendly website, simplicity is key. Make sure the navigation is easy to use and understand. Try not to complicate the nav with multiple tiers, either. 

      Instead, minimize the number of sub navigations you use. Make sure each page is named appropriately and clearly. That way, your site visitors can get around without struggling.

      3. Show Your Logo

      How will site visitors recognize your website is yours?

      Branding is also an important component of user-friendly web design. People expect to see your logo in the top left corner. They should also have the ability to click on the logo to return to the homepage.

      For additional branding, keep your color scheme and imagery in mind. 

      Keeping branding consistent throughout the design will help avoid confusion. If people switch from one page to the next and encounter a completely different design, they might think they’re on a different website.

      Branding helps improve user experience by creating a seamless path from one page to the next. 

      4. Speed It Up

      30% of consumers expect a website to load in one second or less. 

      If it takes forever for your pages to load, people might leave. After all, they’re busy. When one website takes too long to load, they’re likely to leave and take their business elsewhere.

      Use this tool to test your website speed. The site will also give you recommendations so you improve your site speed. For example, you might consider using Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP).

      AMPs follow a set of standards meant to improve the mobile web experience. 

      AMP helps speed up your pages by optimizing your content. This feature is best for websites that don’t require additional javascript or sophisticated functionality.

      If your website is a little more complicated, you can create a Progressive Web App. These pages create an app-like experience for mobile users. The web page will look and feel like a mobile app without directing users to the app store. 

      Both of these page types are designed to improve user experience by speeding up that experience.  

      5. Set Up Search

      Make it easy for your visitors to find what they’re looking for. 

      Set up search functionality on your site. Most user-friendly websites display the search bar in the top right, above the navigation. 

      Adding search functionality will streamline the user experience. Instead of wasting time searching through pages one by one, your visitors can immediately find what they need.

      Great websites that simplify the user experience also show site visitors your company is ready to help.

      6. Clarify CTAs

      Your CTA, or call-to-action, clarifies what you want people to do on that page. For example, you might want visitors to fill out a form or call your company.

      Placing visible CTAs on the page will help you direct your visitors to take action. When you make the CTA clear (and easy to find), visitors won’t have to wonder about what you want them to do.

      Use an eye-catching color for your CTA button. 

      Meanwhile, make sure the button also resizes for mobile devices.

      7. Clear Up the Content

      Seeing a lengthy paragraph will make your visitors tired before they start reading. 

      Instead of giant blocks of text, break it up. Try to condense each paragraph to a few sentences, or shorten your sentences. You can also use headings, subheadings, and bullets to break up the text. 

      Reorganizing your text will improve readability.

      Since people are always in a rush, making the text easier to skim and digest will keep your site visitors from leaving. 

      8. Balance It Out

      Once you improve the text for your user-friendly website, consider your imagery.

      It’s important to create the right balance of high-quality images and text. Otherwise, you could risk overstimulating your visitors.

      Stay careful not to overcrowd the page. Many companies are moving toward minimalistic design. This design uses more white space, allowing the content to breathe.

      9. Make It Easy to Share

      Use social media to your advantage. Make it easy for visitors to share your site content. 

      To do this, add social sharing buttons to your content. Making it easier for visitors to share your content will invite new customers to your site. 

      10. Add Accessibility

      Accessibility for disabled, blind, or elderly users is important as well.

      Consider following these guidelines to improve your web design for these visitors. That way, your site is easy to use for anyone who visits your site.

      Website Goals: 10 Tips for a User-Friendly Website

      Give the people what they want! With these tips for a user-friendly website, you can improve the user experience for anyone who visits your site. The better the user experience, the more likely visitors will become paying customers.

      Contact us today for your user-friendly website!

      Marketing Basics for Business


      Marketing for a business in today’s world is, without a doubt, more demanding than ever before. The days of merely listing a company name and number in the phone book are over. Nowadays, it is almost expected of companies to market themselves everywhere. Whether that be by word of mouth, on television, social media, advertising out in public, or all over the Internet. To create a thriving business and client-base, it’s important to make sure your business is well marketed. Below are a handful of tips to start promoting and marketing your business.

      Establishing Identity

      A crucial element to stand out in a marketplace among your competition is finding a unique identity. A common way for people to recognize a company is by the company’s logo and color scheme. 

      Deciding exactly what your company stands for is the first step. Making your company’s core beliefs and mission as clear as possible is necessary. You need to show why consumers should choose you over competitors. Allowing your brand to develop a personality can help consumers easily relate to you and remember your company.

      Knowing Your Audience

      You should be creating different content for your audience. This should be based on whether they are old or new customers, or if they’re not sure. Taking the time to get to know and understand the demographics, interests, and niche of the market that you are trying to appeal to is crucial for success. You want to make sure that the content that is being created is targeted toward the appropriate audience. Remaining relevant and valuable to your audience is important to remember.

      Website Creation and Maintenance

      In today’s world, it is very important for a successful company to have a website. Think about it. People nowadays go straight to Google to learn about things that they want to know more about. Whether it’s to find new restaurants in the area, a place that sells a specific type of light bulb, or even to find a place for your child to go to daycare, the Internet is the fastest way to find the answers that people need. With a website, people can look up information anytime, anywhere, and not have to wait until regular business hours. Having a presence online makes it much more likely for customers to trust you. Making sure that the website has a modern, easy-to-navigate, and mobile-friendly layout will promote more frequent visits. This allows the opportunity for new customers to jump on board.

      The website should be navigable enough to allow anyone that visits the website to be able to find any information that they might be looking for. This may include details about the business, products and/or services being sold, and even contact information. Providing this information in a clean and organized manner allows users to obtain a sense of how professional and credible your business might be. This allows customers to decide whether or not they’d like to learn more.

      Social Media

      Getting into the swing of social media and how to use it appropriately as a business or professional can be tricky. One mistake that businesses often make when starting on this journey is diving in too quickly, all at once. Starting with one simple Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram profile to let consumers know that you exist is a great start. Getting your name out there on your social media platform of choice is a great way to introduce your business to so many potential new client opportunities. Hiring a social media manager may end up being a great option. This would ensure that posts are scheduled to be shared regularly (perhaps weekly, if possible). 

      Social Media Content

      What kind of content is necessary to share on social media? Every business takes a bit of a different route. One of the more popular options is using social media as a platform for customer service. Through the use of Twitter, customers can directly reach out to you. They can ask any questions or concerns that they might have, and feel like they’re speaking to an actual person. Not just some automated machine or bot. Social media may also be used for promotional purposes. Even so, it is very important to not overdo this side of things. The last thing you want is for people to feel overwhelmed with ads and promos that seem like spam. Having a nice balance of the content shared on a business social media page is very important for this marketing strategy to be successful.

      These marketing tips are an easy way to build a client base (or grow your current one), engage customers, make your business more readily accessible, and to stay relevant. Although these are not the only options that are available to market your business, they are a great place to start!

      Have any questions? Contact us today!