There are hundreds of social media platforms out there. Among the most common are Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook. People view advertisements and engage with content on these outlets daily. Because of this, it’s important that brands make sure their content is memorable and unique with social media strategies.
Below is a list of a few popular brands that demonstrate successful social media strategies. Check out the list below to see what you or your brand can learn about social media from them!
In 2017, Wendy’s was recognized by its followers for their use of humorous sass on their Twitter account. In one example, a follower tweeted at Wendy’s, asking, “If the beef is never frozen, then how do you guys keep it fresh?” Wendy’s reply was smart and sassy: “R E F R I G E R A T O R S”.
Another instance where they clapped back happened when a user tweeted at them, “@Wendy’s How much does a Big Mac cost?” Wendy’s responded, “Your dignity”.
These examples show that Wendy’s social media strategy is different from other brands in that it is quirky and unforgettable. They also target other competing restaurants, like McDonald’s in this case. The whole point of their tweets was to get people talking. Clearly, it worked.
Another brand that uses its content in a crafty, strategical way as Airbnb. Their Instagram is filled with beautiful images of different places around the world. They engage their audience by creating captions that catch their attention. For example, one photo states, “Forever is how long you’ll want to stay in the infinity pool at Lebah Villa. But – trust us – you’ll want to dry off and take the short walk to Ubud village, soaking in the Bali rice paddy view.” Each photo includes a storytelling aspect to it, which lets the viewer imagine that they are in that location.
In addition, Airbnb started a campaign using the hashtag #WeAccept. With this, the brand intended to show their audience that they support all types of people and backgrounds. This was an effective social media strategy to engage users and promote diversity.
Instagram has proved to be a successful social media platform, as it includes contests and other user-generated content. GoPro, a technology company that designs cameras for sports, activities, and travel, maintains an inspiring Instagram account for this reason. Each day, they run two contests called “Photo of the day” and “Video of the day”. Users from around the world can upload their personal photos or videos, and GoPro picks the best ones. Not only does this literally engage followers, but it promotes a lifestyle of adventure and fun for prospective customers. In a way, this is better than simply showcasing a certain product. This allows viewers to picture what their life would be like if they had that specific product.
These three brands are role models that anyone can look up to for social media tips and ideas. If you or your company is out of ideas for your social media strategies, we can also help!