Fall is the season of change. It’s a great time to update your strategy and promote your business with some fall marketing tactics.

Read on to find our 3 favorite methods for marketing your business in the fall.

1. Photo Fun

A fun idea for fall marketing is to invite your customers and followers to engage in a photo contest.

You could have them post pictures of their favorite fall activities, like jumping in piles of leaves, picking apples, going to a football game, or anything else!

It’s even better if you could have the activities align with the products or services you offer.

2. Go, Team!

Fall is also the time of big team sports. Basing promotions, deals, and sales around games and events are a great way to market your business in the fall.

You can base promotions on local, college, or big team games. Examples of ideas you can try are having a discount or sale if the local or college team wins their game. Or you could offer a percent discount based on a star player’s number every game day or every home game.

3. Happy Holidays!

Fall is a marketing season filled with Holidays. Halloween and Thanksgiving are 2 of the major Holidays, but you don’t just have to focus on them.

You can make your business stand out with fun, social media friendly holidays unique to your business, like a “National Taco Day” sale or an “International Coffee Day” sale.

Are you looking for assistance in your marketing strategies or ventures? Contact us here!

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